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CSS Clear Property

In the world of web development, there is a networking clear property that plays an important role in controlling positioning and layout within a document. Aimed at overcoming problems caused by floated elements, the clear property is a method for choosing how to let content flow around these floating objects.

The Float Concept

For this reason, it is imperative to first understand CSS floating elements before going into the intricacies of the clear property. Floating an element means positioning it to the left or right in its containing block so that text and other content may wrap around. It was historically used for laying out multi-column layouts and positioning elements next to one another.

However, using floats often brought layout complexities and unexpected behavior. A common problem was the collapse of a container's height when it contained floated elements only. The clear property was proposed to resolve this problem, allowing developers a way of managing how subsequent elements respond with floated elements in the same container.

Purpose of the Clear Property

The main function of the clear property is to determine whether a given element should be placed below (cleared) floated elements that come before it within the same containing block. This property is particularly handy when dealing with layouts in which elements have been floated and one wants to maintain the correct arrangement and stacking order.

Scenario: The Need for Clearing

Let's take, for example, a case in which you have several floated elements inside of a container. Without clear property, subsequent non-floated elements may find themselves placed adjacent to the floated ones, resulting in unexpected layout problems. The clear property lets you specify that a given element should be placed below any preceding floated elements, making the layout more predictable and controllable.


The syntax for the clear property is relatively straightforward, allowing developers to choose from several values:

clear: none | left | right | both | initial | inherit;

  • 'none': A zero value means that the element does not need to deal with any floated elements.
  • 'left': The element must clear all left-floated elements.
  • 'right': The element has to clear all right-floating elements.
  • 'both': The element must clear both left-floated and right-floated elements.
  • 'initial': Returns the property to its initial state.
  • 'inherit': Takes the property from its parent element.

This flexibility allows developers to tailor the behavior of the clear property according to different layout requirements.

Historical Context

  • This clear property rose to prominence in an age when floated elements were king of the kraut on web layout design.
  • It was introduced to overcome problems caused by using floats, providing a means of specifying where subsequent elements in the document flow are placed.
  • With the arrival of Flexbox and Grid in web development practice came more complex, easily adaptable layouts.
  • These newer techniques have reduced the need for floats and clears. Nonetheless, it remains useful to understand just what a clear property is, especially when dealing with old code or special layout needs.
  • In the sections that follow, we'll discuss clear property values, introduce some practical examples to apply them in real-world projects, and provide pointers about best practices during these applications.
  • When used appropriately, the clean property helps build well-planned and aesthetically pleasing web layouts.

Understanding the Values

  • 'none': The presence of this value means that the element does not have to clear any floated elements. It will be placed next to any floated element within the same containing block.
  • 'left' and 'right': These values demand that the element push floated elements to its left or right, respectively. If an element has a value of clear: On the left, it will move underneath any preceding left-floated elements.
  • 'both': This value means that the element must clearly float to its left and right. It means the element will remain below any floated element, regardless of its orientation.

Practical Examples

Let's turn to some actual examples to show how the clear property plays out in different situations.

Example 1: Clearing Left-Floated Elements



In this example, the element with the class clear-left will be positioned below any element with the class float-left due to the clear: left property.

Example 2: Clearing Both Left and Right Floats



Here, the element with a class of clear-both is placed beneath both left floated and right floats.

Best Practices

The clear property is a potent means of dictating the arrangement of your web pages, but one must use it with restraint. Here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  • Use Flexbox or Grid for Layouts: There are now more robust and flexible ways to use modern layout techniques such as Flexbox or Grid to create complex layouts. Before relying too heavily on floats and clears, consider using these techniques.
  • Minimize Float Usage: Floats are seen as slightly passe in terms of layout. Use more contemporary layout techniques for better control and maintainability.
  • Responsive Design: In responsive design, it's important to consider how clearing elements like floats might affect the layout at different screen sizes. For a consistent user experience, test thoroughly.
  • Avoid Excessive Clearing: Excessive use of the clear property can result in difficult-to-maintain code. Apply clearing only when necessary for a specific layout.

Advanced Usage and Edge Cases

While the basics of the clear property have been covered, there are more advanced use cases and edge scenarios to explore:

1. Combining Clear and Float:

Using the clear property together with float creates quite complex layouts. For example:



Here, the element bearing class clear-both will be pushed below the left-floated one by virtue of combinations such as these.

2. Clearing Inside Containers:

If you are working with a container that can have floated as well as non-floated elements, applying the clear property to a child element will affect how things inside that container layout.



In this instance, the clearfix has been applied on a container to hold back the floated element. Inside, the container then clears clear inside, shifting its position relative to that of floating.

3. Clearing Pseudo-Elements:

You could also use the clear property, along with pseudo-elements, to create more elaborate visual effects. For instance:



Here, the: The: after pseudo-element is used after the content to clear both left and right-floated elements.

The Future of Clear Property

With the development of web design, the use of clear may finally fall into oblivion in favor of more up-to-date layout techniques. Flexbox and Grid, in particular, provide more intuitive, flexible ways to lay out web pages than the "clearing floats" approach.

But note that the clean property still works fine and is a useful tool, especially for legacy code or different layout requirements. Understanding its mannerisms and knowing when it is suitable to use can be helpful in maintaining existing projects or fixing problems.

Troubleshooting and Common Issues

When using the clear property, you may face some common problems and obstacles. Here are a few troubleshooting tips:

1. Clearfix for Floats:

If you use floats a lot, it is worth adding clearfix to the container so that your layout doesn't collapse. This means that the container properly surrounds its floated children.


Apply the clearfix class to the container:


2. Responsive Clearing:

Test the clear property on different screen sizes when designing responsive designs. If necessary, adjust the clearing strategy to maintain a unified layout.

3. Avoid Overreliance on Floats:

Floats and clears certainly have their place, but for maintainability, think of using the far more modern Flexbox or Grid layout techniques.

Cross-Browser Compatibility

One must take cross-browser compatibility into account when working with the clear property. Different browsers used to have different interpretations and implementations of the CSS specifications, creating inconsistencies in rendering. Though modern browsers have improved standard compliance, you do need to test and make sure that your use of the clear property is consistent across major browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari & Microsoft Edge.

1. Clearing Techniques:

In addition to the clear property itself, other ways of clearing have also come into existence over time. These techniques often involve using pseudo-elements or clearfix hacks to contain floated elements properly.

2. Clearfix Hack:

The clearfix hack is a common procedure used to deal with the problem of container collapse when discussing floated elements. It typically involves adding a clearfix class to the container:

Apply the clearfix class to the container:

This hack guarantees that the container correctly wraps its floated children without resorting to applying the clear property on individual elements.

3. Pseudo-Element Clearing:

Using pseudo-elements (: Another method is to use both the: before and: after with clear properties. This can be especially useful when you need to clear floats without adding extra markup in your HTML:

Apply the clearfix class to the container:

This technique is similar to the clearfix hack but employs a pseudo-element instead.

Flexbox and Grid as Alternatives

The clear property is useful in some cases of layout, but newer techniques such as Flexbox or Grid provide more capable and flexible solutions. They allow for better control of the position and direction of elements, thus eliminating the need to explicitly clear floats.

Flexbox Example:



In this example, the container uses Flexbox to create a two-column layout. There is, therefore, no need for explicit float clearing.

Grid Example:



Likewise, with CSS Grid, you can accomplish advanced layouts without resorting to the clear property.

Accessibility Considerations

Accessibility is an important focus in the design of layouts. Screen readers or other assistive technologies should not be blocked by elements cleared with the clear property. Verify your layouts to make sure they are usable and readable by people with disabilities.


Thus, the CSS clear property, originating as a way of dealing with layout problems caused by floated elements, remains an indispensable part of web development. Through values such as none, left, right, and both, its versatility allows the developer to dictate how elements are arranged within a container precisely. Although the paradigm has shifted to more modern layout techniques such as Flexbox and Grid, where floated elements persist or when working with legacy codebases, it clearly remains a relevant property. This power to specify the placement of the following elements guarantees a tidy and logical composition, which in turn ensures structure and visual harmony for web pages.

The clear property reflects, perhaps more clearly than any other, just how dynamic web development has become. Although in this era of Flexbox and Grid, it can be seen as a legacy solution, its enduring utility is obvious from how flexible it's able to accommodate a variety of layout questions. Web development will keep producing an interplay of established practices and innovations. The clear property, which is part of this evolutionary process, reflects the field's ability to draw on its deep tradition while also taking advantage of the efficiencies brought by newer methodologies.

The CSS clear property is really a bridge between traditional floated elements and modern needs for responsive web design. Its longevity derives from its flexibility so that developers have both a sense of the past and an understanding of today's needs when it comes to solving problems in layout design.

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