3 Easy Ways to Crosstab in Pandas

Python is a high-level, interpreted, and dynamically typed language acknowledged for its simplicity and readability. It uses indentation to outline code blocks, enhancing clarity. Python supports more than one programming paradigm, including procedural, item-orientated, and functional programming. Its full-size well-known library and active network make it versatile for diverse applications, from internet improvement to facts evaluation.

What is Pandas?

Pandas is an effective Python library for statistics manipulation and analysis, presenting statistical structures like Series (1D) and DataFrame (2D) to deal with dependent information. It helps operations along with facts cleaning, merging, reshaping, and aggregation. Pandas excel in dealing with missing records, aligning statistics with the aid of labels, and appearing in complex group operations, making it critical for statistical technological know-how and device mastering obligations.

Key Features of Pandas

The following are some key features of Pandas:

  • Data Structures:
    • Series: One-dimensional categorized array.
    • DataFrame: Two-dimensional labeled data structure with columns of potentially differing types.
    • Panel: Deprecated in choice of MultiIndex DataFrames.
  • Data Manipulation:
    • Data alignment and missing information dealing with.
    • Reshaping and pivoting information units.
    • Label-based cutting, fancy indexing, and subsetting of big facts units.
    • Data shape integration with equipment for working with time collection records.
  • File I/O: Reading and writing data among in-reminiscence records structures and extraordinary record codecs (e.g., CSV, Excel, SQL, HDF5).

Understanding Crosstabs

Crosstabs (cross-tabulations) in pandas summarize the relationship between or among specific variables by creating a matrix where the rows represent one variable, and the columns represent another.

Key Features

The following are some of the key features to crosstab data using Pandas:

  • Frequency Count: By default, `pd.crosstab()` computes a frequency count of the unique combos of the required elements.
  • Aggregation Functions: You can specify extraordinary aggregation capabilities to summarize the statistics, along with imply, sum, or different numpy functions the usage of the `aggfunc` parameter.
  • Normalization: Normalization permits you to show the frequencies as proportions. You can use the' normalize' parameter to normalize the index, columns, or the whole table.
  • Handling Missing Values: You can specify a price to fill missing values within the crosstab with the use of the `fill_value` parameter.
  • Margins and Subtotals: The `margins` parameter adds row and column totals, which can be beneficial for knowledge of the distribution of facts.
  • Multi-level Indexing: Crosstabs assist multi-level (hierarchical) indexing, bearing in mind greater complex summarizations related to greater than variables.

Some Advantages to Crosstab

The following are the list of advantages to crosstab:

  1. Easy Frequency Counts: Quickly computes counts of specific mixtures of categorical variables.
  2. Aggregation Flexibility: Supports custom aggregation capabilities like mean, sum, and so on.
  3. Normalization: Easily normalize facts to expose proportions in place of uncooked counts.
  4. Handling Missing Values: Option to fill missing values with a special default.
  5. Marginal Totals: You can upload row and column totals for complete information summaries.
  6. Multi-Level Indexing: Supports complicated crosstabs related to a couple of variables.
  7. DataFrame Output: Produces results as a DataFrame, enabling further analysis and manipulation.

Let us now discuss some of the easy methods to crosstab in Pandas.

Some Easy Methods to Crosstab in Pandas

In the following section, we will discuss some of the easiest approaches to crosstab in Pandas. Some of them are listed below:

  • Crosstab using pd.crosstab() Method
  • Crosstab using groupby() and unstack() Methods
  • Crosstab using pivot_table() Method

Let us understand these methods with the help of the examples.

Approach 1: Using `pd.crosstab()`

`pd.crosstab()` computes an easy pass-tabulation of two (or more) factors. By default, it counts the frequency of every combination of factors.



Type      X  Y
A         2  1
B         2  1   


  • `pd.crosstab(df['Category'], df['Type'])`: Creates a move-tabulation between the 'Category' and 'Type' columns.
  • The result suggests the remember of occurrences for each combination of 'Category' and 'Type'.

Approach 2: Using `groupby()` and `unstack()`

Using `groupby()` to institution facts with the aid of the specified columns and then `unstack()` to reshape the resulting series into a DataFrame.



Type      X  Y
A         2  1
B         2  1   


  • `df.groupby(['Category', 'Type']).size()`: Groups the DataFrame via 'Category' and 'Type' and counts the occurrences.
  • `.unstack(fill_value=0)`: Reshapes the collection right into a DataFrame with 'Category' because the index and 'Type' as the columns, filling missing values with 0.

Approach 3: Using `pivot_table()`

`pivot_table()` can be used to create a pivot desk, a more well-known shape of move-tabulation that permits exclusive aggregation functions.



Empty DataFrame
Columns: []
Index: [A, B]   


  • `df.pivot_table(index='Category', columns='Type', values='Category', aggfunc='count number', fill_value=0)`: Creates a pivot table with 'Category' because the index and 'Type' because the columns. It counts the occurrences of each combination (the use of `aggfunc='count'`) and fills lacking values with 0.