Applications of Queue Data Structure

Imagine a line forming at the desk of a movie theatre. A new individual join at the tail end of the line as the person in line who is first receives the ticket and departs.

Queue Data Structure: What Is It?

An ordered succession of elements is contained in a queue, which is a linear data structure. It is an abstract data type that resembles a stack partially.

We can conduct operations on a queue's ends, unlike stacks, though.

At one end of the queue, we add data, and at the other, we remove it.

Imagine a line forming at the counter of a movie theatre. A new individual join at the tail end of the line as the person in line who is first receives the ticket and departs.

The First In First Out principle, which controls how queues function, is based on this idea.

Applications of Queue Data Structure

Basic Queue Operations

On a queue, we can carry out the following actions:

  • The method for adding or keeping an element at the back end of a queue is called enqueue().
  • Dequeue() - This function allows us to access or remove an element from a queue's front end.
  • Using the peek() function, the requested element is moved to the front of the queue without being deleted.
  • isEmpty() determines whether the queue is empty.
  • isFull() determines whether the queue is full.

We would have realised by now that two pointers are required for two distinct functions in a queue. The rear pointer points to the newly inserted element, while the front pointer is used to access or dequeue an element.

How does a Queue Operate?

The operations of a queue are as follows:

  • The first element of the queue is shown by the front pointer.
  • The final component is shown by the rear pointer.
  • We set the Front and Rear values in an empty stack to 1.

Operation Enqueue

A complete queue should be checked.

  • Modify Front's value to 0.
  • Set the rear pointing element to 1.
  • Where the rear is pointing, insert the new element.

Dispatch Operation

  • Verify the availability of a queue.
  • The item which is in the Front position should be returned.
  • If we increase the Front index by 1, the Rear remains constant.

This will enable us to do the Dequeue Operation one at a time until we reset both points to 1, creating an empty queue.

Applications of Queue Data Structure
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