ASCII Table in C

This topic will discuss the ASCII codes and how to write a program to print an ASCII table in the C programming language. ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. ASCII code is a character encoding scheme used to define the value of basic character elements for exchanging information in computers and other electronic devices.

ASCII Table in C

Furthermore, the ASCII code is a collection of 255 symbols in the character set, divided into two parts, the standard ASCII code, and the extended ASCII code. The standard ASCII code ranges from 0 to 127, 7 bits long, and the extended ASCII code from 128 to 255 is 8 bits long. These characters are a combination of symbol letters (uppercase and lowercase (a-z, AZ), digits (0-9), special characters (!, @, #, $, etc.), punctuation marks, and control characters. Hence, we can say, each character has its own ASCII value.

For example, when we enter a string as "HELLO", the computer machine does not directly store the string we entered. Instead, the system stores the strings in their equivalent ASCII value, such as '7269767679'. The ASCII value of H is 72, E is 69, L is 76, and O is 79.

Program to get the ASCII value of the capital letters



The ASCII value of A is 65
 The ASCII value of B is 66
 The ASCII value of C is 67
 The ASCII value of D is 68
 The ASCII value of E is 69
 The ASCII value of F is 70
 The ASCII value of G is 71
 The ASCII value of H is 72
 The ASCII value of I is 73
 The ASCII value of J is 74
 The ASCII value of K is 75
 The ASCII value of L is 76
 The ASCII value of M is 77
 The ASCII value of N is 78
 The ASCII value of O is 79
 The ASCII value of P is 80
 The ASCII value of Q is 81
 The ASCII value of R is 82
 The ASCII value of S is 83
 The ASCII value of T is 84
 The ASCII value of U is 85
 The ASCII value of V is 86
 The ASCII value of W is 87
 The ASCII value of X is 88
 The ASCII value of Y is 89
 The ASCII value of Z is 90

Program to get the ASCII value of the small letters



The ASCII value of a is 97
 The ASCII value of b is 98
 The ASCII value of c is 99
 The ASCII value of d is 100
 The ASCII value of e is 101
 The ASCII value of f is 102
 The ASCII value of g is 103
 The ASCII value of h is 104
 The ASCII value of i is 105
 The ASCII value of j is 106
 The ASCII value of k is 107
 The ASCII value of l is 108
 The ASCII value of m is 109
 The ASCII value of n is 110
 The ASCII value of o is 111
 The ASCII value of p is 112
 The ASCII value of q is 113
 The ASCII value of r is 114
 The ASCII value of s is 115
 The ASCII value of t is 116
 The ASCII value of u is 117
 The ASCII value of v is 118
 The ASCII value of w is 119
 The ASCII value of x is 120
 The ASCII value of y is 121
 The ASCII value of z is 122

Program to get the ASCII value of the given characters



Enter the name to get the ASCII codes: JAVATPOINT

 The ASCII code of the character J is 74
 The ASCII code of the character A is 65
 The ASCII code of the character V is 86
 The ASCII code of the character A is 65
 The ASCII code of the character T is 84
 The ASCII code of the character P is 80
 The ASCII code of the character O is 79
 The ASCII code of the character I is 73
 The ASCII code of the character N is 78
 The ASCII code of the character T is 84

Program to get the ASCII value of the special characters



The ASCII value of '!' special character is: 33
 The ASCII value of '"' special character is: 34
 The ASCII value of '#' special character is: 35
 The ASCII value of '$' special character is: 36
 The ASCII value of '%' special character is: 37
 The ASCII value of '&' special character is: 38
 The ASCII value of ''' special character is: 39
 The ASCII value of '(' special character is: 40
 The ASCII value of ')' special character is: 41
 The ASCII value of '*' special character is: 42
 The ASCII value of '+' special character is: 43
 The ASCII value of ',' special character is: 44
 The ASCII value of '-' special character is: 45
 The ASCII value of '.' special character is: 46
 The ASCII value of '/' special character is: 47
 The ASCII value of ':' special character is: 58
 The ASCII value of ';' special character is: 59
 The ASCII value of '<' special character is: 60
 The ASCII value of '=' special character is: 61
 The ASCII value of '>' special character is: 62
 The ASCII value of '?' special character is: 63
 The ASCII value of '@' special character is: 64
 The ASCII value of '{' special character is: 123
 The ASCII value of '|' special character is: 124
 The ASCII value of '}' special character is: 125
 The ASCII value of '~' special character is: 126

Program to print the complete ASCII tables in C



ASCII Table in C