Backdrop Filter in CSS


CSS uses the backdrop-filter property to apply a filter effect to the space behind an element. With this, the content in the element will seem to be displayed over a blurred version of its background, hence leading to a "frosted glass" or "blurred background" effect.

Consider this simple example:

In this example, the backdrop-filter: blur(10px); line blurs the background of the element with class "element." The amount of blur is specified using 10px but can be changed to achieve any desired level of blurring.

Not all browsers support backdrop-filter property, or some might have partial support. As of January 2022, it is supported in browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge, among others, but you should always look up MDN Web Docs or Can I Use in order to find out what browsers are currently supported.

Details of Backdrop-filter Property

Here are some additional details regarding the backdrop-filter property:

1. Syntax:

To create different visual effects, you can use different filter functions like blur (), brightness (), contrast (), grayscale (), hue-rotate (), invert (), opacity (), saturate (), and sepia (), or a combination of them.

2. Example with Multiple Filters:

In this case, the backdrop-filter property affects the background of the element by using a mix of blur effect, increased contrast, and a partly grayscale effect.

3. Cross-Browser Compatibility:

The most recent versions of major browsers that support backdrop-filter as of January 2022 are mine. Still, it is always good to check on sites such as Can I Use or MDN Web Docs for the latest compatibility.

4. Performance Considerations:

There may be performance issues with the backdrop-filter property, especially when resource-limited devices are used or more computationally heavy filter functions. Performance implications should be considered and tested, particularly for elements that have high update frequency or animations.

5. Fallback for Unsupported Browsers:

Having an alternative plan is advised because not all browsers incorporate backdrop-filter. On browsers that don't support backdrop-filter, a combination of background-color and rgba can create similar effects:

In this example, the transparent background color acts as a fallback if backdrop-filter is not supported.

6. Applying Filters to Specific Elements:

Backdrop-filter property does not just deal with pictures only. In HTML, it is possible to use divs, sections, and even text elements along with it in order to produce stunning visual effects.

In this example, a text element is given a brightness boost and a blur effect.

7. JavaScript and Dynamic Updates:

Moving to JavaScript also allows us to change the value of backdrop-filter dynamically. A case in point would be when you want filter effect varying according to events like scroll position or user interactions.

The 'dynamic-element' element's backdrop filter is converted to a grayscale effect by this JavaScript code.

8. Combining with CSS Transitions:

Smooth animations can be produced when the backdrop-filter property is changed by utilizing CSS transitions. You can achieve subtle transition effects with this.

Any modification to an element with the class "transition-element"'s backdrop-filter property in this example will result in a seamless transition that lasts for 0.5 seconds.


The backdrop-filter function allows the implementation of filters on an element's background. Effects such as blurred or frosted glass can be created by manipulating the appearance of backgrounds through means like blur () or brightness ().

Although they are supported in most modern browsers, care must be taken when planning fallbacks for compatibility. This flexibility enables designers to build dynamic and engaging UIs that take web design to the next level. Always consult current documentation for accurate details on browser behavior and compatibility in this regard.

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