California Sunset Plumeria

California Sunset Plumeria, commonly referred to as Plumeria rubra, is a gorgeous tropical plant famed for its brilliant and scented flowers. This plant, which originated in Central America, has made its way into landscapes all around the world, providing an element of exotic elegance. In this post, we'll look at the features of California Sunset Plumeria, talk about how to cultivate and care for them, analyze possible challenges, and offer advice for successful growth.

California Sunset Plumeria

California Sunset Plumeria: Overview

Plumeria is a family of flowering plants that belong to the Apocynaceae family's subgroup, Rauvolfioideae.

As a matter of fact, the Plumeria plants become dormant and lose their leaves throughout the fall season. However, these re-grow/ reappear in the spring.

Before we get into the details, let us have a quick tour of its history and emergence.

California Sunset Plumeria

History and Evolution of Plumeria

Carl Linnaeus titled the family Plumeria on the name of Charles Plumier, a 17th-century French royal botanist as well as monk. That is how it got its name!

The first "frangipani" fragrance was created in Italy to mask the odor of leather gloves. The perfume was musky rather than floral, and it was created millennia before Europeans found plumerias. Later, the name was extended to plumeria flowers, and currently, a "frangipani" smell often refers to the aroma of plumeria blooms.

All about California Sunset Plumeria

Plumeria Rubra "California Sunset" is an exceptionally lovely Plumeria. It is classified as part of the Apocynaceae family, which additionally comprises oleander and periwinkles. The Frangipani or California Sunset plumeria flowers range from orange to yellow, pink hues all in one petal, providing a magnificent view of a California sunset. The scent will transport you to a mango's paradise with its tutti delicious scent. The blooms stay for several months and make a beautiful bouquet.

In addition to this, the plant grows lovely green leaves. It, like all Plumeria plants, has a rest phase during which it sheds all of its leaves. When the plant is transported, it may also lose some of its leaves. It is essential that the plant get little water amid leaf loss. Plumeria blooms with lovely aromatic flowers.

Plumeria Rubra "California Sunset" is available as a rooted plant. Every plant is distinct and can vary from one another.

Height: Plumeria can grow as tall as 100 cm. Plumeria Rubra "California Sunset" forms a tree-like structure with several branches.

California Sunset Plumeria

Overview of California Sunset Plumeria

Here is a table highlighting the key characteristics of California Sunset Plumeria.

Plumeria plants are ideal for growing in landscape ideas like- pots, patios, beds, and borders and for gardening styles like coastal and Mediterranean.

Botanical FamilyApocynaceae
Plant TypeShrub/ Tree
Life CyclePerennial
SunBright and Full Sun
Min Cold HardinessZone 10a-1.1 °C to +1.7 °C
Average Height Of The Plant10-12 ft
FlowersShowy, fragrant and Yellow (Orangish)
Blooming Size2-3 inches
Flowering TimePrimarily Spring and Summer (Late spring, early summer)

Also, late fall and early wintertime

Maintenance and UpkeepLow
Water RequirementsLow; sensitive to too much water
Soil TypeLoam, well-drained; Sand
Soil pHAcid, Alkaline, or Neutral
UsageFlower Tree
Propagation MethodsCuttings: Stems or Tips
Other: Grafting
TolerantDrought; Salt
ContainersBest grown in pots of 3 gallons in size or large
Require excellent drainage

California Sunset Plumeria: World's Most Loved Plant

With the passage of time, it has become a flower that is treasured. Plumeria blooms decorate Buddhist and Hindu temples throughout Asia. The trees are referred to as "temple trees."

In another part of the world, they are used to express grief. Since they are commonly planted in Muslim graves in Malaysia and Indonesia, plumerias have been connected with death over there.

Plumeria species are also the National Flowers of certain nations. P. alba, one of the species of Plumeria, is Nicaragua's national flower, and it is a native plant referred to as sacuanjoche. While P. rubra is not native to Asia, it is the national flower of Laos, where it is known as dok champa.

Where Can You Plant Plumeria Trees?

Plumeria plants can flourish in tropical climates, but where else can they grow? Plumeria can be cultivated in a range of environments as long as the tree is kept within during the winter. However, plumeria trees thrive in USDA zone 10.

How To Plant and Grow Plumeria?

While plumeria trees are tropical plants, they can be grown in different regions if the following conditions are met:

  1. Choose your planting location: In the landscape, your plumeria will need full sun or partial shade. Since they are not particularly cold hardy, think about planting your plumeria in a container with drainage openings so that you may get the container planted indoors during the wintertime.
    California Sunset Plumeria
  2. Seed when it is warm: Grow your plumeria at the beginning of spring or whenever the temperature is warm during the season of growth.
  3. Prep the soil: Select a well-drained, somewhat acidic soil combination, like a cactus potting mixture or a soil mix with perlite as well as sand.
  4. Cultivate the plumeria: Dig a hole of the same depth and width as the root ball, then place the plumeria tree in it so that its root ball lies anchored with the earth.
  5. Water and cover: Cover the hole with soil and pat it down. Water until the soil is wet but not soaked.

Cultivation Specifics

California Sunset Plumeria grows at heights of up to 600 meters in hot, dry, and moderate rainfall environments. Plants thrive in areas with a distinct dry season, where they are deciduous and bloom on barren branches, in contrast to more humid environments, where they stay evergreen.

It is one of the simplest trees to cultivate and is resilient to a wide range of soil conditions. However, it likes well-drained, rich soil in a sunny location. Plants are extremely resistant to salt-laden winds. Established plants can withstand a lot of salt.

If the delicate, thick branches are broken, they spread freely. The plump branches are fragile.

California Sunset Plumeria

California Sunset Plumeria Upkeep and Care

Here are some of the key requirements for upkeep and maintenance of California Sunset Plumeria

  1. Sunlight: Plumeria requires full sun or a minimum of half-day sun. However, if you've planted your plumeria in a shaded region and wish to transplant it to a sunny spot, you must do so gradually so that it becomes accustomed to the bright sun rays to prevent sunburns. Plumeria is suitable for usage as a houseplant. In the summer, the Plumeria can be used as a garden plant on the patio.
  2. Water: While watering your plumerias, water them properly and then let the soil dry between waterings. The most significant aspect to understand about plumeria is that they dislike "wet feet." Avoid letting the soil become moist. Plumeria does not require any watering when dormant, with the exception of a quick soak (hydrating the plant very quickly on the outermost layer of the soil rather than regular water) once every two weeks, especially if you reside in cold, dry winter weather.
  3. Soil: Just utilize cactus soil mix, which may be acquired from a nursery or garden supply store. Whether you intend to grow the plumerias in a pot or in the garden, always utilize 100% cactus soil since plumerias need well-drained soil.
  4. Fertilizer: Throughout the growing period, fertilizer must be sprayed. A fertilizer with a balance of 20-20-20 is recommended for use throughout the growing period, then alternate with a fertilizer with a high phosphorus content (the middle value 50 or above). Once the plumeria enters its dormant period, cease providing nourishment to it and patiently await until the next period of growth to feed it again.
California Sunset Plumeria

Growing Plumeria from Cuttings

The below-mentioned information is fit for an area suitable for growing California Sunset Plumeria. However, you must adapt it to your own region.

  • Cut off the grown-up leaves along with the flowers (if any) and dry the cuttings in a shady spot for a week. If you purchase the cuttings online, you may be able to start growing them immediately otherwise, you may have to wait a few days.
  • Prepare the vessel; it must be anywhere from one to two gallons in capacity (based on the size of the cutting) and solely comprise mixed cactus soil. Water the soil well and uniformly once you've filled the container with cactus dirt.
  • If you are uncertain whether your soil has adequate drainage, add more pumice.
  • Put the cutting in a bowl of water and subsequently into the rooting hormone (rooting powder). If you do not possess any rooting hormone, bypass the immersing in water step. Put the cutting in soil that is up to five inches deeper and penetrate the stalk to withstand it; this will make the cutting sturdier and prevent it from moving around. Water the container again thoroughly and place it in the partially sunny or sunny shade region, not watering it again until you see new growth coming from the tipping of the cutting.
  • When the new leaves reach around 3 inches of length, water approximately every 7 to 10 days (based on where you reside). During this period, you can relocate the plumeria to a more bright location, but not full sun. Wait till more leaves appear before moving them to a bright location. It is best to keep them in the same vessel for another year before transplanting them to the ground or a bigger vessel (do not utilize oversized pots).
  • Please keep in mind that place, climate, soil mixture, and temperature are several variables in producing plumeria and bloom color.
  • The first blossoming from the cutting will be smaller, and the color can vary significantly from adult/mature plumerias.

Medicinal Usage

California Sunset Plumeria includes a number of therapeutically active components that have been proven to be uterine stimulant, antifungal, antibacterial, anticancer, antiviral, analgesic, antispasmodic, as well as hypoglycemic.

Let us have a look;

  1. Fulvoplumierin, found in the plant, has antibacterial properties and hinders the growth of Mycobacterium TB.
  2. The bark has abortifacient as well as purgative properties. The bark juice is thought to be a good treatment for gonorrhea and venereal sores.
  3. The scraped bark is utilized to cure scabies and dangerous fish wounds. In addition to this, its bark juice is additionally utilized to treat amoebic dysentery.
  4. Muscle swellings are treated with a poultice made from the leaves.
  5. Boils and rheumatic pain are treated with milky juice (latex). It is also used to clean wounds caused by worms or germs. It is utilized to relieve dental pain.
  6. The sap is utilized for treating wasp and bee stings, in addition to centipede bites.
  7. Cough, constipation, acute enteritis, dysentery, and haemophilia are all treated with a floral decoction.

Other Applications

  1. The flowers are used to make essential oil.
  2. Coconut oil is scented with the flowers.
  3. A milky latex is produced by all parts of the plant.
  4. Rubber happens to be produced by the tree.
  5. The wood has a nice appearance since it is yellowish brown with slight purplish lines. Moreover, it's firm, compact, and finely textured. It requires a high polish and, despite being somewhat small, is used in some locations for turnery items.
California Sunset Plumeria


Stem tip cuttings are used for the propagation of California Sunset Plumeria.

Initially, for a few days, leave it to dry prior to rooting in a cool, shaded location in adequately drained soil that has remained dry until roots grow. One can easily use large limb roots for this purpose.

In the end, once rooted, this must be followed by layering.

Prevention from Disease and Pests

California Sunset Plumeria plants are strong and free of illnesses and pest infestations.

  • Root rot is caused by poor drainage or waterlogging. If this happens, quickly repot the Plumeria, add a drainage layer, and limit watering to preserve the plant. Excess water should be drained from the plant tray.
  • If a Plumeria plant gets spider mites, clean them away with a moist cloth and sprinkle the plant with water on a regular basis to promote humidity. You can even sprinkle them with insecticide soap to prevent their re-appearance.
  • Scale insects with brown shells emit a gooey honeydew that adheres to the foliage and indicates an infestation. Wipe the scale insects off right away.
  • Woolly aphids release honeydew, which should be removed. Neem oil can be used to cure both scale bugs as well as woolly aphids.


Is Plumeria Indigenous to California?

Plumeria is a type of subtropical and tropical plant native to South and Central America, the Caribbean, and southern Asia.

Are California Sunset Plumeria Fragrant?

Yes, Plumeria have a sweet fragrance often known as floral. Some individuals state the smell is a mix of floral and citrus (jasmines, etc), and some others describe it as similar to coconut.

Do California Sunset Plumeria Bloom All Year?

Plumeria typically flower in the warm months. They usually do not grow or thrive in winter months. However, their blooming time can differ depending on the growing conditions and cultivator.