Change Current Working Directory with Python

In Python, you can change the current working directory using the `os` module. The current working directory is the directory where Python looks for files to open or save. Here's a basic explanation of how to change the current working directory:


Current Working Directory: /your/current/working/directory
Updated Working Directory: /path/to/your/new/directory


  1. `os.getcwd()`: This function from the `os` module returns the current working directory.
  2. `os.chdir(new_directory)`: This function changes the current working directory to the specified `new_directory`. Replace `"/path/to/your/new/directory"` with the actual path you want to set as the new working directory.
  3. `os.getcwd()`: After changing the directory, you can use this function again to verify that the change has taken place.

It's important to note that changing the current working directory affects the file and directory operations in your Python script. For example, if you use relative file paths, they will be interpreted relative to the new working directory.

Keep in mind that it's generally a good practice to use absolute paths or be cautious when relying on the current working directory to avoid unexpected behavior, especially in larger or more complex projects. If you only need to work with specific files, it's often safer to use absolute paths or construct paths relative to a known location in your file system.

1. Absolute vs. Relative Paths:

  • Absolute Path: Specifies the complete path from the root directory.
  • Relative Path: Specifies the path relative to the current working directory.

2. Using `os.path.join()`:

  • When constructing paths, it's a good practice to use `os.path.join()` to ensure compatibility across different operating systems.

3. Handling Exceptions:

  • It's advisable to handle exceptions when changing directories in case the specified path does not exist.

4. Restoring the Original Directory:

  • After performing operations in a different directory, it's a good practice to return to the original working directory.

5. `Pathlib` Module:

  • Python 3.4 and above provide the `pathlib` module, which offers an object-oriented approach to file system paths. It can simplify path manipulations.

6. Using `with` Statement:

  • To temporarily change the working directory and automatically revert to the original after a block of code, use the `with` statement:

Remember that changing the working directory affects the entire script, so use it judiciously, especially in scenarios where other parts of the codebase might depend on a specific directory structure.

7. 'os.path` and `os.sep`:

  • The `os.path` module provides functions to manipulate file paths. Additionally, `os.sep` represents the separator used in file paths, allowing for better cross-platform compatibility.

8. Listing Files in a Directory:

  • You can use `os.listdir()` to get a list of all files and directories in the current working directory or a specified one.

9. Recursive Directory Listing:

  • To list files recursively, you can use the `os.walk()` function.

10. `os.makedirs()` - Creating Directories:

  • Use `os.makedirs()` to create directories, including parent directories if they don't exist.

11. Symbolic Links and Real Path:

  • `os.path.realpath()` can be used to get the real path of a file, resolving symbolic links.

12. Environmental Variables:

  • You can use environmental variables to set or reference paths dynamically.

13. Using `pathlib` for Path Manipulation:

  • The `pathlib` module provides an object-oriented interface for path manipulation.

14. File and Directory Information:

  • `os.path` provides functions to get information about files and directories, such as `os.path.isfile()` and `os.path.isdir()`.

These concepts should give you a comprehensive understanding of working with directories in Python. Depending on your specific use case, you can choose the methods and techniques that best suit your needs.

Absolute vs. Relative Paths:

Absolute Path:

An absolute path specifies the complete location of a file or directory in the file system. It starts from the root directory and includes all the directories and subdirectories needed to locate a file or directory.



In this example, `/` represents the root directory, and the full path describes the file `file.txt` located in the `documents` directory, which is inside the `user` directory, itself in the `home` directory.

Relative Path:

A relative path specifies the location of a file or directory relative to the current working directory. It doesn't start from the root directory but describes the path from the current location.



In this example, the file `file.txt` is located in the `documents` directory, which is assumed to be a subdirectory of the current working directory.

Key Differences:

Starting Point:

  • Absolute paths start from the root directory.
  • Relative paths start from the current working directory.


  • Absolute paths are fixed and work consistently regardless of the current working directory.
  • Relative paths may vary depending on the current working directory, which makes them more context-dependent.


  • Absolute paths are useful when you need to specify an exact location in the file system.
  • Relative paths are convenient for specifying locations relative to the current working directory, making them more adaptable in certain scenarios.


  • Absolute path: `/home/user/documents/file.txt`
  • Relative path: `documents/file.txt` (assuming the current working directory is `/home/user/`)

When working with file paths in Python, it's important to choose the appropriate type of path based on the requirements of your code and the expected behavior across different systems.


`os.path.join()` is a method in the `os.path` module in Python that is used for joining one or more path components intelligently. This function concatenates various path components with the correct separator for the operating system (\ for Windows, / for Unix-like systems).

Here's a basic example:


Joined Path: folder\subfolder\file.txt


In this example:

  • On Unix-like systems, the output path will be `"folder/subfolder/file.txt"`.
  • On Windows, the output path will be `"folder\subfolder\file.txt"`.

This function is useful because manually concatenating paths with strings might lead to issues, especially when dealing with different operating systems. `os.path.join()` takes care of these differences, making your code more portable.

Points to Note:

1. Handling Absolute and Relative Paths:

`os.path.join()` can be used to create both absolute and relative paths by appropriately providing the components.

2. Joining Paths Using Variables:

  • You can use variables as components to dynamically construct paths.

3. Dealing with User Input:

  • When dealing with user input or file names obtained from external sources, it's a good practice to use `os.path.join()` to ensure the paths are correctly formatted.

4. Pathlib Alternative:

  • In Python 3.4 and later, the `pathlib` module provides an object-oriented approach to path manipulation, which can be an alternative to `os.path.join()`. For example, `Path("/path") / "to" / "file.txt"`.

Using `os.path.join()` or `pathlib` is recommended over manual string concatenation for path construction to ensure code portability and avoid common issues related to path separators on different operating systems.

Handling Exceptions

When working with file paths and directories in Python, it's a good practice to handle exceptions, especially when dealing with operations that may fail, such as changing directories, creating directories, or accessing files. Here's how you can handle exceptions using try-except blocks:

Example: Changing the Current Working Directory


Updated Working Directory: /path/to/new/directory
Finally block: This will be executed no matter what.


In this example:

  • The `try` block contains the code that may raise exceptions.
  • The `except` blocks handle specific types of exceptions. You can customize these blocks based on the types of errors you expect.
  • The `finally` block contains code that will be executed regardless of whether an exception occurred. It's often used for cleanup tasks.

Common Exceptions:

  • `FileNotFoundError`: Raised when a file or directory is not found.
  • `PermissionError`: Raised when there are permission issues.
  • `OSError`: A more general exception for file and directory operations.
  • `Exception`: A catch-all for any other exception.

Customizing your exception handling allows you to provide meaningful error messages to users, log errors, and gracefully handle unexpected situations. It also makes your code more robust and user-friendly.

Restoring the Original Directory

When you change the current working directory in Python, it's a good practice to restore it to the original directory after completing the necessary operations. This helps ensure that the rest of your code or other parts of the application are not affected by the change in the working directory. You can achieve this using a `try-finally` block to guarantee that the restoration code runs, even if an exception occurs. Here's an example:


Original Working Directory: /original/working/directory
An error occurred: 
Restored Working Directory: /original/working/directory


In this example:

  • The original working directory is stored in the `original_directory` variable.
  • The `try` block contains the code where you change the working directory and perform your operations.
  • The `except` block handles any exceptions that might occur during the operations.
  • The `finally` block ensures that the original working directory is restored, no matter what happens in the `try` block.

By restoring the original working directory in the `finally` block, you help maintain the integrity of the program and avoid unintended side effects that could arise from leaving the working directory changed.

Pathlib Module

The `pathlib` module in Python provides an object-oriented interface for working with filesystem paths. It was introduced in Python 3.4 and aims to offer a more convenient and readable way to perform path manipulations compared to using string-based operations. Here's an overview of some of the features and usage of the `pathlib` module:

Creating a Path:

Joining Paths:

Getting the Absolute Path:

Checking if a Path Exists:

Working with Files and Directories:

Opening a File:

Creating Directories:

Resolving Symbolic Links:

Combining Paths:

Path String Representation:

Using Glob to Match Patterns:

Iterating Over Recursive Directory Contents:

The `pathlib` module simplifies path manipulation and makes code more readable and platform-independent. It's especially useful when dealing with complex path operations or when constructing paths dynamically. While `os.path` functions are still valid and widely used, `pathlib` provides a more modern and convenient alternative. Choose the approach that fits your code style and requirements.

Using with Statement:

The `with` statement in Python is primarily used for resource management, and it simplifies the process of acquiring and releasing resources, such as file handling. When working with files using the `pathlib` module, you can use the `with` statement to ensure that the file is properly closed after you've finished using it. Here's an example:


File Content: 


In this example:

  • `` is used to open the file in a context managed way. This ensures that the file is properly closed when the block inside the `with` statement is exited, even if an exception occurs during the operations.
  • Inside the `with` block, you can perform various operations on the file, such as reading its content.
  • Once the code block inside the `with` statement is executed (or if an exception occurs), the file is automatically closed.

Using the `with` statement is advantageous because it helps prevent resource leaks by ensuring that the file is closed properly, even if an exception occurs within the block. It's a recommended practice when working with files, sockets, and other resources that need to be explicitly closed after use.

os.path and os.sep:

`os.path` and `os.sep` are components of the `os` module in Python and are used for path-related operations. They are particularly useful when working with file paths across different operating systems where path separators may differ.

`os.path` Module:

The `os.path` module provides functions to interact with the filesystem, specifically for path manipulation. It is used to construct or manipulate file and directory paths in a way that is agnostic to the underlying operating system.


Joined Path: folder/subfolder/file.txt
Absolute Path: /current/working/directory/file.txt
Path exists: False

`os.path` should be used when dealing with paths as strings, especially when you need to handle different path separators for various operating systems.


`os.sep` is a string representing the separator used in file paths for the current operating system. It is typically `\` for Windows and `/` for Unix-like systems.

While using `os.sep` can be useful for manually constructing paths, it's generally recommended to use `os.path.join()` for more robust and platform-independent path construction.

  • `os.path` helps write code that is independent of the operating system's file path conventions.
  • `os.sep` allows you to dynamically insert the correct path separator based on the current operating system.
  • `os.path.join()` is preferable for path construction, as it takes care of properly joining path components with the appropriate separator.

In modern Python code, it's common to use `os.path` for path-related operations, and `os.sep` is used less frequently due to the convenience of functions like `os.path.join()`.

Listing Files in a Directory:

To list files in a directory using the `os` module in Python, you can use the `os.listdir()` function. This function returns a list of filenames in the specified directory. Here's an example:


Files in the directory:


In this example:

  • `os.listdir(directory_path)` returns a list of all items (files and directories) in the specified directory.
  • The list comprehension filters out directories, ensuring that only files are included in the `files` list.
  • `os.path.isfile()` is used to check if an item is a file.
  • The final loop prints the names of the files in the directory.

You can customize this example based on your specific requirements. For instance, you might want to include additional information about each file, filter files based on certain criteria, or perform additional operations on the file list.

Recursive Directory Listing:

To perform a recursive directory listing in Python, you can use the `os` module along with a recursive function. This allows you to list all files in a directory and its subdirectories. Here's an example:


File: /path/to/your/start/directory/file1.txt
File: /path/to/your/start/directory/file2.txt
File: /path/to/your/start/directory/subdirectory1/file3.txt
File: /path/to/your/start/directory/subdirectory1/file4.txt
File: /path/to/your/start/directory/subdirectory2/file5.txt


In this example:

  • The `list_files_recursive` function takes a directory path as an argument.
  • It lists all items in the directory and iterates through them.
  • If the item is a file, it prints the file path.
  • If the item is a directory, it recursively calls itself to list files in the subdirectory.

You can customize this example based on your specific needs, such as adding additional information for each file, filtering files based on criteria, or performing operations on the file list.

os.makedirs() - Creating Directories:

The `os.makedirs()` function in Python is used to create directories, including any necessary parent directories that don't exist. It's a convenient way to ensure that a complete directory structure is created, even if some of the intermediate directories are missing. Here's an example:


Directory '/path/to/your/new/directory' created successfully.


In this example:

  • `os.makedirs(new_directory_path)` is used to create the directory specified by `new_directory_path` and any necessary parent directories.
  • The `try` block contains the code that may raise exceptions during the directory creation process.
  • The `except` blocks handle specific types of exceptions, such as `FileExistsError` for the case where the directory already exists and `PermissionError` for permission-related issues.
  • The `finally` block could be used for cleanup tasks or actions that must be performed regardless of success or failure.

You can customize this example based on your specific needs. For instance, you might want to include additional logic, such as checking if the directory already exists before attempting to create it.

Symbolic Links and Real Path:

In Python, the `os.path` module provides functions for working with symbolic links, and `os.path.realpath()` is specifically used to get the real (non-symbolic link) path of a file or directory by resolving any symbolic links in the specified path.


The real path of the symbolic link is: /actual/path/of/the/target


In this example:

  • `os.path.realpath(symbolic_link_path)` is used to obtain the real path by resolving symbolic links for the specified `symbolic_link_path`.
  • The `try` block contains the code that may raise exceptions during the process, such as `FileNotFoundError` if the symbolic link doesn't exist.
  • The `except` block handles specific types of exceptions.

This is particularly useful when you want to work with the actual file or directory pointed to by a symbolic link, as it provides the resolved path without any symbolic links.

It's important to note that the `os.path.realpath()` function might not be available on all platforms. In such cases, you may want to check for its availability or use alternative approaches based on your specific use case.

Environmental Variables:

Environmental variables are a way to store configuration settings or system information that can be accessed by programs running on a computer. In Python, you can interact with environmental variables using the `os` module. Here's how you can work with environmental variables:

Retrieving an Environmental Variable:


The value of MY_VARIABLE is: 


In this example:

  • `os.environ` is a dictionary-like object that contains the environmental variables of the current process.
  • `os.environ.get(variable_name)` is used to retrieve the value of a specific environmental variable. If the variable is not set, it returns `None`.

Setting an Environmental Variable:


The environmental variable MY_VARIABLE has been set to some_value.


In this example:

  • `os.environ[variable_name] = variable_value` is used to set the value of an environmental variable.

Checking if an Environmental Variable Exists:


The value of MY_VARIABLE is: 

Iterating Over All Environmental Variables:


TERM_PROGRAM: Apple_Terminal
SHELL: /bin/bash
TERM: xterm-256color

These examples demonstrate basic operations with environmental variables. Keep in mind that modifying environmental variables directly in a Python script affects the current process only and does not persist beyond the lifetime of that process. If you want to set environmental variables for the entire system or persist them between sessions, you might need to use system-specific methods or configuration files.

File and Directory Information:

In Python, the `pathlib` module provides methods for obtaining information about files and directories. Here are some common operations to get file and directory information:

Checking if a Path is a File or Directory:


Is a File: True
Is a Directory: False

Getting File or Directory Properties:


Size: 12345 bytes
Last Modified: 1644873523.1234567

Checking if a Path Exists:


Path Exists: True

Getting File or Directory Name and Extension:


Name: file.txt
Extension: .txt

Checking File or Directory Permissions:



These examples demonstrate how to use the `pathlib` module to obtain various information about files and directories. Keep in mind that some of these methods may not be supported on all operating systems, and you should verify their availability based on your specific use case.