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What is the full form of CMOS

CMOS: Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor

CMOS is an integrated circuit designed on a printed circuit board (PCB), widely used type of semiconductor used in transistors. It is a battery powered memory chip that simply stores the startup information and BIOS uses this information to turn on your computer i.e. during the boot up process.

Complementary term refers to the charged used which is either positive (PMOS) or negative (NMOS). CMOS uses only one charge at a time. Due to this, CMOS consumes less power because charges can stay in one state for a longer period of time and hence consume energy only when needed. CMOS based transistors do not heat up and gives a high speed. CMOS batteries are made up of Lithium material that can last upto 10 years.

CMOS full form


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