Convert ODT to PDF

The main drawback of the ODT file is that it can only be launched by some specific applications. So, it would be better if you convert the ODT file into PDF.

Convert ODT to PDF using Online Tools

There are many online tools available to convert ODT to PDF, such as odt2pdf, zamzar, pdfcandy, onlineConvert, online2Pdf, convertio, cloudConvert, freePdfConvert, etc.

Here, we are going to use Zamzar.

  • Go to the given link. You will get the page like below:
Convert ODT to PDF

Click on the Add Files button.

  • From the open dialog box, select the ODT file which you want to convert into PDF.
Convert ODT to PDF
  • Now, select the Convert Now button.
Convert ODT to PDF
  • Wait for a couple of seconds to convert the file. After some time, your converted file will get ready to download. Select the Download icon to download your converted file.
Convert ODT to PDF

Convert ODT to PDF using OpenOffice Writer

OpenOffice Writer is the word processor, comes under the OpenOffice software package. It is like Microsoft word. It can be installed on many operating systems, including Mac OS, Windows, Linux, etc. OpenOffice Writer uses the ODT extension. Conversion of ODT file to PDF through OpenOffice Writer is very easy.

  • Open the OpenOffice Writer.
  • Open the ODT file which you want to convert into PDF.
  • Now, go to the File menu and select Export as PDF option.
Convert ODT to PDF
  • A PDF Options dialog box will open. Define the settings accordingly and select the Export button.
Convert ODT to PDF
  • Once you click on the export button, a save dialog box will open. Enter the name of the file and location for your PDF. Finally, click on the Save button. The PDF file will be saved on your device.