What is the full form of CSO

CSO: Central Statistics Office

CSO stands for Central Statistics Office. The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation in India oversees the Central Statistics Office, which is responsible for developing and maintaining statistical norms and guidelines as well as coordinating statistical operations in India. The Indian government established the central statistics office on May 2, 1951, as a central statistical body and organisation.

CSO Full Form

History of CSO

The CSO was established as a component of the cabinet secretariat with coordination and advising responsibilities. It was founded on May 2nd, 1951 as the Central Statistical Institute, but in 1954 when CSI amalgamated with CSO, its name was changed to the Central Statistical Organization. Later, CSO reverted to calling itself the central statistics office rather than the central statistical organisation.

Central Statistics Office Structure

Leading the Central Statistics Office is the Director-General. Additional five Director-Generals and four more Deputy Director-Generals support him. The support staff also consists of six Joint Directors. The support team consists of seven special task coordinators, thirty deputy executive officers, 48 assistant management committees, and numerous auxiliary personnel. Delhi serves as the main office for the Central Statistics Office.

Central Statistics Office Responsibilities

  • The responsibility for planning statistics activities across the nation falls on the Central Statistics Office.
  • In charge of developing and overseeing statistical rules and requirements
  • Its tasks include compiling National Income Financial Reports and conducting industry sector survey research.
  • The financial sector manages Census records and their follow-up questions, coordinating pricing index indices for urban non-manual employees and industrial manufacturing index indices.
  • Statistics on the development index and sexual orientation. Conducting training in government statistics, working with the states and its union territories to generate statistics as part of the Five-Year Plan
  • Disseminating statistics data, business and trade practises

The Central Statistics Office has two abstracts of its data:

  1. The yearly statistics summary
  2. Statistical abstract published each month

Functions of Central Statistics Office

A part of the Central Statistics Office is under the control of the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation. National Accounts Statistics (NAS) are generated by the Central Statistics Office. Calculating the State Domestic Product and other data at the state level is the responsibility of state departments and agencies of economy and statistics. The Central Statistics Office also acts as an advisory body. The United Nations receives information about national data from it.

It established a division in collaboration with the planning commission to carry out statistical work based on these five plans. It offers expanded training resources for statisticians. Additionally, it is in charge of gathering and disseminating data on government revenue. The Yearly Survey of Businesses is carried out by the Central Statistics Office, and its Industrial Statistical branch disseminates the findings.

Merger of NSSO and CSO

The National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) and the Central Statistics Office will merge to form the National Statistical Office (NSO), according to the government. The NSSO's independence, which has historically been at the centre of various public conflicts over figures on population growth and unemployment, is perceived by many as being eroded by this shift.

The Secretary of the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation will be in charge of the NSO. This goes against the original strategy that experts originally advised. The idea was to combine numerous statistical organisations, including the NSSO and many others, into a single statistics authority that would report to Parliament rather than the executive branch.

The NSO is not mentioned in the merger directive, which supports long-held suspicions that the government was weakening it. The NSSO will lose its authority as a result of the merger of the CSO and NSSO. The directive makes no reference of the NSSO's independent monitoring procedure, which seems to imply that it would no longer be relevant. The decision explicitly subordinates the combined sector to Mospi's control, which raises questions regarding the independence of the procedures used to collect and disseminate allowed survey data.


Through the study material notes on the Full Form Of CSO, we covered the Organization of Central Statistics Office, Responsibilities of Central Statistics Office, Functions of Central Statistics Office, and other relevant themes. In order to make things clearer, we also talked about the NSSO and CSO merger.

The country's statistics operations are overseen and developed by the Central Statistics Office (CSO). The Central Statistics Office (CSO) compiles national census data, calculates government income, and carries out economic research. The CSO is actively promoting statistical principles and norms, and the information is meant for official use in all departments and government bodies.

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