What is the Full Form of DGMDGM: Deputy General ManagerDGM stands for Deputy General Manager, a job role for any company. Most companies like to hold a person on this post because it is a very responsible post, and the person who will get this job role in any company plays an important role and can also play an essential role in companies growth. If you want to gain knowledge about DGM, then you are at the right place, and this article will give you brief information about this post, so let's see every information related to this post. What Deputy Managers Do in Companies?It depends on the company type, like what the company does or which kinds of products companies make. For example, what will its deputy manager do if we take a company that does some cloth-related work? His deputy manager will be responsible for the following position.
What qualities do companies check while deciding their DGM?It is an important post, and for this, every company tries to get a good person for this job. We must include so many qualities in ourselves, and only after that can we be a good DGM. These qualities are the following. 1. Communication skills A DGM will always talk with so many people and represent his company at so many big stages. If he is a good speaker, he can easily communicate with many people, and he can ensure the company's growth. 2. Leadership skills It is an essential skill for this job; no one can be a good DGM. Every DGM have to handle so many people, and at some stage, he has to motivate their employees, and if he has leadership skills, he can easily carry his employees. From this, he can give an excellent profit to his company. 3. Technical skills If you talk about technology companies that make software or provide other technical services, then in these cases, The DGM should be aware of every technology. For example, if we have a team of 16 developers and our company decides on a DGM who will be an investigator for that 16 developers, then that DGM should know about that programming language with every other technology implemented in that software. After this, he judges the developer's work, or developers will quickly make him a fool, which will be a significant loss for that company. 4. Strategic planning A DGM always has to make so many strategies; based on these strategies, he will launch their product or services in the market, and his approach should always work. While making a strategy, we should care about companies weaknesses and strengths, like how much product our company can make and at which position we should send our product for better results. 5. He should always be loyal to his company and its employees Most DGM always cares about companies' growth, from which they can quickly get promotions, but he never sees their employee's problems. He always puts pressure on employees for efficient work. Still, because of this behaviour, the employee loses their relationship with the company. They will never give their hundred per cent to their company, so a DGM should always be careful with his company's growth and his employee's comfort, from which employees can deliver their hundred per cent for the organization. Salary Of a DGMIt is a contextless question because a DGM's salary will always depend on his company and his skills, and only after good skills can he get a good salary from his company. According to an analysis that ambitionbox.com completed in India, DGM's average salary is 11 lakh per annum. Some popular questions you will face in an interview for a DGM postThe post of DGM is crucial because, in this post, you will not get the salary of the CEO or manager. Still, when any organization hires you for this post, he will always think that maybe they will give you the position of manager or CEO, so for this post, you will get many questions, some of which are the following. 1. What is your management style? While asking this question, the interviewer wants to check how you can manage things or how much you have the potential to address an employee. In reply to this answer, you can describe a team you worked for, and because of your management skill, that team did very well for the organization. Or you can tell how you motivated an underperforming employee, and because of your motivation, he became a good employee. It is a fundamental question, but you can quickly tell a wrong story to tackle it, and the interviewer must believe in you. 2. What skills Are you lacking? It is mainly asked questions for any interview, and the interviewer always asks this question to check your loneliness. Most people like to describe their weaknesses in a form that seems like their strengths. They mostly say that they always want to help every employee, and they have to lose their time. Still, in reality, there are better ways to tackle this question than this because, after a reply like this, your interviewer will easily judge that you are telling a lie. Instead of this, you should say your weakness, but it should be something other than something from which your work will be affected. I am a foodie who can not survive without eating good food. 3. Tell me a joke Whenever any interviewer asks this question then, he wants to check your thinking ability because most candidate tells a joke in which you would add any vulgar world or your mark will not be funny enough, so always be ready with your funny joke because it will help you to communicate with your interviewer. 4. How many years can you give to this company? It is a tricky question. Just assume you are replying that you are ready to give a significant portion of your life to this company. Then they will easily judge you that you will always do a job and because of that you don't have enough leadership skills; if you reply to them that you want to start your company within a few months, then they will identify that within a few months they will leave you so in this condition you should quickly reply that it depends on needs like I have some plan. Still, if I get a better response from this company, I would like to give my enough years to this company. Next TopicFull Form |