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Difference Between Singleton Pattern and Static Class in Java

In Java, the Singleton pattern and static classes are used for managing class instances and functionality, but they serve distinct purposes and possess different characteristics. Understanding the differences between the Singleton pattern and static classes is crucial for designing and implementing the appropriate solution for a given scenario.

Singleton Pattern:

The Singleton pattern in Java is a design pattern that guarantees the existence of only one instance of a class and provides a centralized access point to that instance. It is used when there should be exactly one instance of a class available to all parts of the application, and the instance needs to be easily accessible. The Singleton pattern in Java involves the creation of a class with a private constructor, which prevents direct instantiation of multiple instances. Instead, a static method is provided to access and return the single instance of the class. The Singleton pattern can have both static and instance members, allowing flexibility in its implementation. It is commonly used when centralized control over a shared resource or state is required.



SingletonEager@19469ea2 : Singleton Eager initialization
SingletonLazy@2f2c9b19 : Singleton Lazy initialization
SingletonSynchronizedMethod@1c20c684 : Synchronized Singleton (Method)
SingletonSynchronized@548c4f57 : Synchronized Singleton (Double-Checked Locking)

Static class

A static class is a class that contains only static members. All class instances share static members, and subclasses cannot override them.



Value of myVariable: 32
Value of myVariable: 32
It is the Inner Class Constructor
Value of myVariable from inside Inner Class: 32

Difference Between Singleton Pattern and Static Class

Feature Singleton Pattern Static Class
Definition A design pattern that ensures that only one instance of a class exists A class that contains only static members
Creation The instance is created using a private constructor The instance is created when the class is loaded
Access The instance is accessed using a static method The instance is accessed directly
Inheritance The class can be inherited The class cannot be inherited
Polymorphism The class can be used polymorphically The class cannot be used polymorphically
Thread safety The instance is thread-safe The instance is not thread-safe
Testability The class is easy to test The class is difficult to test

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