What is the full form of ECHS

ECHS: Ex-Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme

ECHS stands for the Ex-Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme. The Ex-Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme (ECHS) was first introduced on April 1, 2003. Through a nationwide network of ECHS Polyclinics, Service health facilities, Government health care centres, impanelled commercial hospitals, and designated Government AYUSH hospitals, the corresponding scheme intends to offer allopathic and AYUSH healthcare to Ex-Servicemen pensioners and their families.

ECHS Full Form

The scheme, which the Government of India funds, was designed along the lines of CGHS (Central Government Health Scheme) to facilitate cashless payments for patients.

After being established in September 2004, the Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare has been given responsibility for matters pertaining to the Ex-Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme. Afterwards, ECHS was designated as an associated office of the Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare by notification dated January 29, 2009.

A Major General serves as the Managing Director of the ECHS Central Organization.

In order to reduce administrative costs, the scheme is administered within the Armed Forces' current infrastructure. The current infrastructure consists of a command and control system, extra Service Healthcare facilities (such as hospitals and medical inspections room), a procurement organisation for medical & non-medical equipment, as well as defence buildings and land. The ECHS Polyclinics are managed or operated directly under the direction of Station Commanders, with assistance from Senior Executive Medical Officers (SEMO).

There are around 427 Polyclinics (except for Six Polyclinics in Nepal) in Thirty Regional Centres approved by the government. The ECHS Polyclinics are intended to give "Out Patient Care", which comprises consultation, necessary investigation, and the distribution of medications. Specialised consultations, examinations, and In-Patient Care (Admission to hospital) are offered by respective service hospitals, public hospitals, and private hospitals that have been enlisted with the ECHS.

Features and advantages of ECHS

The main advantages and characteristics of ECHS are as follows:

  • The ECHS Scheme is a comprehensive medical care programme that addresses all of the major illnesses and ailments, such as cancer, neurological disorders, heart problems, renal diseases, joint replacement procedures, and many more. In addition, there is no cost restriction for medical care.
  • The Government of India entirely funds the project.
  • At more than 427 hospitals, medical treatment facilities, and polyclinics nationwide, beneficiaries of the scheme can get medical care.
  • Treatment for OPD is likewise fully free and covered by this programme.
  • Although all costs associated with treatment are covered by the government, beneficiaries of the ECHS Scheme will be required to pay a one-time enrolment contribution fee.

ECHS Application Process

As previously noted, this programme is open to all Ex-Servicemen. Let's examine the procedures for applying to this programme now:

Offline method

  • Step 1: Gather and complete the ECHS application.
  • Step 2: Pay the one-time contribution charge.
  • Step 3: You must provide an affidavit (if needed).
  • Step 4: Gather your ECHS smart card.

Online method

The official ECHS website is another place where you may register for this programme. Allow us to walk you through each step.

  • Step 1: Visit the official website.
  • Step 2: Choose the "ECHS Smart Card Online Application" link under the "helpful links" column.
  • Step 3. Complete the registration form. You must now fill out the form with the necessary information.
  • Step 4: Your ECHS account has been created. Your ECHS account has now been registered after being filled out and submitted.
  • Step 5: At this point, you must submit the necessary paperwork, either physically or electronically, through the site. With your username and password, you may now access your ECHS site and upload the required papers.
  • Step 6: The documents will now be examined. You may get your ECHS Card from the portal once all of the papers have been verified.

Eligibility Standards for ECHS

The following items qualify for ECHS:

  • Any former members of the Indian Military Forces (Army, Navy, and Air Force) who are getting a pension or disability pension, as well as any dependents of such members.
  • Military nursing service personnel (MNS)
  • The National Cadet Corps's whole-time officers (NCC)
  • Officers with Limited Service (SSCOs)

The best way to access your ECHS account

  • Step 1: Visit the official ECHS website.
  • Step 2: Click the 'ECHS Smart Card Online Application' link under the 'useful links' category.
  • Step 3: Select "Click to Login."
  • Step 4: Log in using your credentials and click "Login"

How to check the status of your ECHS claim

By going to their "Online Claim Status Checker" website, you may quickly find out the status of your ECHS claim. Please fill out the following information once you're on the page:

  • Services offered
  • Code Captcha for Claim ID
  • Then click "Submit."

Status of ECHS Card

You may go into your ECHS account and download your ECHS card after registering for the programme. Upon login in, you may use the site to check the status of your card.

ECHS App for iOS and Android

The Official ECHS Android and iOS Apps provide access to a number of ECHS scheme features and advantages in an effort to enhance user experience. Please download the applications to your phone, so you may use them to access the site.

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