Filter List of Strings Based on the Substring List in Python

Filtering a list of strings based on a substring list in Python is a common task in text processing and data manipulation. The objective is to selectively retain strings from the original list that contain any of the specified substrings. In the provided example, the function filter_strings_by_substrings is designed to accomplish this task. It accepts two parameters: string_list represents the list of strings to be filtered, and substring_list is the list of substrings to consider during the filtering process.

Utilizing list comprehension, the function iterates through each string in the original list, determining whether it contains any of the substrings from the specified list. Strings meeting this criterion are included in the new list, filtered_strings. This approach leverages the any function to check if at least one substring is present in each string.

In a practical example, consider a list of fruits (["apple", "banana", "orange", "grape", "kiwi"]) and a substring list (["an", "ra"]). The resulting filtered list includes only those fruits that contain either "an" or "ra," resulting in ['banana', 'orange', 'grape'].

This method provides a flexible and concise solution for filtering strings based on specific substrings, demonstrating the versatility of list comprehension in Python for such text-based operations.

Method 1: Using List Comprehension

To determine whether or not the word in "substr" is contained in "string," we may use list comprehension in conjunction with the 'in' operation.

Code :



Code Explanation :

This Python code defines a function called Filter that takes two parameters: string and substr. The goal of the function is to filter out elements from the string list that contain any of the substrings specified in the substr list.

Here's a step-by-step explanation of the code:

  • import re: This line imports the regular expression (regex) module, but it is not used in the code. The re module is not necessary for the functionality of this particular code.
  • def Filter(string, substr):: This line defines a function named Filter that takes two parameters - string (a list of strings) and substr (a list of substrings).
  • return [str for str in string if any(sub in str for sub in substr)]: This line uses a list comprehension to create a new list. For each element (str) in the string list, it checks if any substring (sub) in the substr list is present in the element. If a substring is found in the element, the element is included in the new list.
  • string = ['room2', 'student1', 'class', 'city2']: This line defines a list of strings named string.
  • substr = ['room2', 'teacher']: This line defines a list of substrings named substr.
  • print(Filter(string, substr)): This line calls the Filter function with the string and substr lists as arguments and prints the result. The output will be a new list containing only the elements from the string list that contain any of the substrings specified in the substr list.

In this specific example, the output would be ['room2'] because only the element 'room2' from the string list contains any of the substrings from the substr list ('room2' is present in 'room2'). The element 'student1' is excluded because it doesn't contain any of the specified substrings.

O(n * m) is the time complexity, wherein n is the total amount of words in the input list "string" and m is the amount of sub strings in the input list "substr."
Because the equation just employs a small number of variables and does not produce any new data structures, the auxiliary space is O(1).

Method 2: Python Regex

Code :



Code Explanation :

  • This code defines a function Filter that takes two parameters: string and substr. The goal of the function is to filter elements from the string list based on whether any substring from the substr list is present in each element, considering only non-numeric characters in the comparison.
  • The re module is imported, which provides support for regular expressions.
  • The Filter function is defined. It uses a list comprehension to iterate through each element (str) in the input string list.
  • Within the list comprehension, there's a conditional statement. The re.match(r'[^\d]+|^', str) uses a regular expression to match the non-numeric characters ([^\d]+) at the beginning of each string (^). The group(0) extracts the matched portion.
  • The extracted non-numeric portion is then checked to see if it is present in the substr list using in substr.
  • The filtered list is returned by the function.
  • The code then defines two lists, string and substr, and calls the Filter function with these lists as arguments.
  • Finally, the result of the filtering is printed.

However, there is a potential issue in the code. The regular expression r'[^\d]+|^' might not work as intended. It seems like the intention is to match non-numeric characters ([^\d]+) or the beginning of the string (^). The re.match function is used, but it may not provide the desired behavior for every case. Using might be more appropriate to find the pattern anywhere in the string.

These are just a few examples, and the applications can vary based on the specific requirements of your project or task. The key idea is to selectively retain elements from a list based on the presence of certain substrings or patterns.

The find() function returns the position of the string it found, or -1 if it couldn't locate the string that was specified as a parameter in the string that was provided.

Code :



Code Explanation :

This Python code is designed to find and append strings from the string list that contain substrings from the substr list. Let's break down the code step by step:

  • string is a list containing four strings: 'room2', 'student1', 'class', and 'city2'.
  • substr is another list containing two strings: 'room2' and 'teacher'.
  • The goal is to find and collect all unique strings from the string list that contain any substring from the substr list.
  • The code uses two nested loops:
  • The outer loop iterates over each element (i) in the substr list.
  • The inner loop iterates over each element (j) in the string list.
  • Inside the nested loops, the code checks if the substring i is present in the string j using the find() method. If the substring is found (i.e., j.find(i) != -1), and the string j is not already in the result list x, it appends the string j to the list x.
  • Finally, the code prints the list x, which contains the unique strings from the string list that contain substrings from the substr list.

Here's a breakdown of the logic:

  • For the first iteration, 'room2' is present in 'room2', so 'room2' is added to the result list x.
  • For the second iteration, 'teacher' is not present in any of the strings.
  • The final result is the list x containing the unique strings that have substrings from the substr list, in this case, just 'room2'.
  • With m being the total number of characters in the substr list and n being the length of the string list, the program's time complexity is O(mn).
  • O(k), wherein k is the size of the resultant list containing the filtered strings, is the additional space complexity of the program in question.

Method 4: Using the filter function and a lambda function

Imagine you have a bunch of words, and you want to pick out specific ones based on certain rules. That's where the filter function in Python comes in.

The filter function has two main parts. First, there's a set of words (we call it an iterable), and second, there's a set of rules (a function) to decide which words we want to keep.

In our case, we use a special kind of function called a lambda function. It's like a mini-function we create on the spot. This lambda function looks at each word and checks if any part of it matches with a list of specific word parts we're interested in.

Now, the filter function does its magic. It looks at all the words in the list and only keeps the ones that match our lambda function's rules. It's like a smart filter that sifts through the words and gives us back only the ones we care about.

In the end, we get a new list with only the words that passed the test. So, if we had words like 'city1', 'class5', and 'city2', because they match our rules, they would be in the final list given to us by the filter function.

Code :



Code Explanation :

This Python code filters a list of strings based on whether any substring from another list is present in each string. Let's break down the code step by step:

  • List Initialization:

Two lists are initialized: strings contains a set of strings, and substrings contains a set of substrings to check for in the strings.

  • Filtering using Lambda Function:

The filter function is used to iterate through each string in the strings list. The lambda function checks if any substring from the substrings list is present in the current string (x). Any function returns True if at least one substring is found in the current string.

The filtered strings are then converted into a list and assigned to the variable filtered_strings.

  • Print Result:

Finally, the filtered strings are printed.

O(n^2) is the time complexity, where n is the number of characters in the list's length.

The auxiliary space is O(n), if n is the filtered_strings list's size.

Method 5: Using a for loop

Let's create a function called "Filter" that helps us find specific strings within a given list. This function takes two things: a list of strings (let's call it "string") and another list of substrings (we'll call it "substr").

To start, we'll make an empty list named "filtered_list." This is where we'll gather all the strings that match our criteria.

Now, we'll use a for loop to go through each string in the "string" list. Inside this loop, there's another loop checking each substring in the "substr" list.

For each combination of string and substring, we use an if statement to see if the substring is present in the string. If it is, we add that string to our "filtered_list" using the "append" method, and we break out of the inner loop using the "break" keyword.

After checking all the substrings for the current string, we move on to the next string in the input list.

Once all strings have been checked against all substrings, we return the final "filtered_list" using the "return" keyword.

Now, we define our input lists: "string" for the list of strings and "substr" for the list of substrings.

Next, we call our "Filter" function with the "string" and "substr" arguments and store the result in "filtered_list."

Finally, we print the "filtered_list" using the "print" statement to see the outcome of our filtering process.

Code :



Code Explanation :

  • Function Definition (def Filter(string, substr):):

This defines a function named Filter that takes two parameters: string and substr.

  • Initialization (filtered_list = []):

An empty list named filtered_list is initialized. This list will be used to store elements that match the specified substrings.

  • Nested Loops (for s in string: and for sub in substr:):

The function uses nested loops to iterate over each element (s) in the string list and each substring (sub) in the substr list.

  • Substring Check (if sub in s:):

Inside the nested loops, it checks if the current substring (sub) is present in the current element (s) from the string list.

  • List Appending (filtered_list.append(s)):

If a substring is found in the current element, the element (s) is appended to the filtered_list. The break statement is used to exit the inner loop once a match is found for the current element.

  • Return Statement (return filtered_list):

The function returns the filtered_list containing elements that have at least one matching substring.

Example Usage:

The Filter function is called with these lists, and the result is stored in filtered_list.

  • Print Result (print(filtered_list)):

Finally, the filtered list is printed.

  • In summary, this code defines a function that filters elements from a given list (string) based on whether they contain at least one substring from another list (substr). The filtered elements are then printed. In the provided example, the output would be ['room2', 'student1'], as these elements contain at least one of the specified substrings.
  • The lengths of the input text list (n) and the filter substring list (m) determine the amount of time required, which is O(nm).
    When the total length of the sorted list is k, the auxiliary space is O (k).

Method 6: Using the "any" function and a generator expression:

Imagine you have a bunch of words in a list and a separate list with some smaller word parts. You want to create a special function, let's call it "filter_strings." This function will help you find and keep only the words that contain any of those smaller word parts.

To do this, you'll use some built-in tools in Python. First, you'll loop through each small word part and check if it's in any of the words in your big list. This is like checking if a puzzle piece fits into any of the larger pieces.

Then, you'll use another tool called the "filter" function to sift through your big list. This function will only keep the words that match the condition you set with your small word parts. It's like a filter that lets through only the items you want.

Finally, you'll convert the filtered words into a neat list and give that back to whoever asked for it. So, in simpler terms, your function "filter_strings" helps you find and collect specific words from a list based on some smaller word parts you have.

Code :



Code Explanation :

  • The function filter_strings takes two lists as input: string_list (a list of strings) and substr_list (a list of substrings).
  • filter_cond is a generator expression that checks for each string in string_list whether any substring from substr_list is present in that string. It creates a generator of boolean values representing the filtering conditions.
  • The zip function is used to combine each string from string_list with its corresponding filtering condition from filter_cond.
  • The filter function is then applied to keep only the pairs where the filtering condition is True. This is done using the lambda x: x[1] function as the filtering criterion.
  • The filtered_iterator is an iterator containing tuples of the form (original_string, filtering_condition).
  • Finally, a list comprehension [x[0] for x in filtered_iterator] is used to extract the original strings for which the filtering condition was True, resulting in the final filtered_list.
  • The example usage demonstrates filtering strings in string_list based on the substrings in substr_list. In this example, it will filter out strings that do not contain either 'room2' or 'teacher'. The result is then printed.
  • Time complexity: O(n*m), whereby m is the average length of the substrings in the filtering list and n is the average length of the input list.
    O(n), where n is the number of items in an input list, is the auxiliary space.

Method 7: Using the str.contains() method of pandas DataFrame

Code :



Code Explanation :

  • Importing Pandas Module:

The first line tells the computer to use a special set of tools for handling data, and we give it a short nickname "pd" to make it easier to use.

  • Defining a Filtering Function:

There's a function called filter_strings that does some work. It takes two things as inputs: a list of strings (string_list) and another list of substrings (substr_list).

  • Creating a DataFrame:

Think of a DataFrame as a table. The function creates a table with one column labeled 'string' and puts our list of strings inside this table.

  • Checking for Substrings:

Now, it looks through each string in the table to see if it contains any of the substrings we provided. It uses a special trick with the "|" symbol to create a rule that says "match any of these substrings."

  • Filtering the DataFrame:

It then uses this rule to pick out only the rows (strings) that match our substrings.

  • Converting to a List:

Once it finds the matching strings, it turns them into a simpler list.

  • Returning the Result:

The function then gives us this list of matching strings.

  • Applying the Function:

We have some example strings and substrings. We use our function on these examples and get a list of strings that match.

  • Displaying the Result:

Finally, we printed out this list so we can see which strings had parts that matched our substrings.

Advantages Of Filter List Of Strings Based On The Substring List in Python :

Filtering a list of strings based on a substring list in Python provides a robust and versatile solution with several notable advantages. One of the primary benefits is the ability to selectively extract and retain elements from a list, offering a focused approach to data manipulation. This selective extraction is crucial when dealing with large datasets or when specific criteria need to be met for further analysis.

1. Selective Data Extraction:

Filtering a list of strings based on a substring list allows for selective data extraction. This is particularly beneficial when dealing with extensive datasets, enabling a focused approach to analysis by retaining only the relevant information.

Code :


['apple', 'banana']

2. Code Readability:

The use of list comprehension or filtering functions significantly improves code readability. The concise and expressive nature of these methods makes the filtering logic more apparent, enhancing understanding and making the codebase more accessible for collaboration and maintenance.

Code :


['apple', 'banana']

3. Flexibility and Customization:

One of the notable advantages is the flexibility and customization it offers. Users can easily adapt the list of substrings or the original list of strings, tailoring the filtering process to different use cases. This adaptability ensures the code can be applied across diverse scenarios without extensive modifications. The flexibility and customization afforded by this approach are paramount. Users can easily adjust the list of substrings or the original list of strings, tailoring the filtering process to diverse use cases without the need for extensive code modifications. This adaptability ensures that the same filtering framework can be applied to various scenarios, enhancing the code's versatility.

Code :


['apple', 'banana']

4. Conciseness and Expressiveness:

List comprehension, a key component of this approach, contributes to code conciseness and expressiveness. By encapsulating the filtering logic in a single line, it reduces verbosity and promotes a more elegant solution, making the code easier to understand and manage.

Code :


['apple', 'banana']

5. Efficient Processing:

The built-in functions for list comprehension and filtering in Python are optimized for performance. This ensures efficient processing and iteration through elements, making the filtering process effective even with large datasets. The efficiency is crucial for handling data-intensive tasks.



Filtered data: ['999', '1999', '2999', '3999', '4999']
Time taken: 0.4227294921875 seconds

6. Maintainability:

The approach enhances code maintainability by encapsulating filtering logic in functions. This modular design facilitates debugging, updates, or replacements, contributing to a cleaner and more maintainable codebase. It streamlines future modifications and ensures the filtering process remains manageable.

Code :


['apple', 'banana']

7. Scalability:

Efficient list operations in Python make the filtering approach scalable. It can handle large datasets seamlessly, maintaining its effectiveness as the data size increases. This scalability is essential for applications dealing with varying amounts of information.

Code :


['999', '1999', '2999', '3999', '4999']

In conclusion, filtering a list of strings based on a substring list in Python offers a comprehensive set of advantages, including focused data extraction, improved code readability, flexibility, conciseness, efficiency, maintainability, and scalability. These aspects collectively make it a powerful tool for diverse data manipulation and text processing tasks.

Disadvantages Of Filter List Of Strings Based On The Substring List In Python :

Filtering a list of strings based on a substring list in Python might have some disadvantages, depending on the specific requirements and context of your use case. Here are some potential disadvantages:

Performance Concerns:

Filtering a large list of strings based on substrings involves iterating through each element, resulting in a time complexity that scales with the size of the list. This could be a concern for applications where speed is crucial.

Example :

Memory Usage:

Creating a new list to store filtered results consumes additional memory. For very large datasets, this may lead to increased memory usage, potentially impacting the overall efficiency of the program.

Example :

Substring Ambiguity:

If the substring list contains non-unique substrings, filtering may yield unexpected results. Ambiguity could arise if, for instance, a single substring matches multiple patterns in the target strings.

Example :

Case Sensitivity:

String matching in Python is case-sensitive by default. Failure to account for case sensitivity might result in overlooking valid matches or erroneously including irrelevant ones.

Example :

Limited Flexibility:

Basic substring matching might lack the flexibility to handle more complex conditions. For intricate filtering requirements, developers might need to resort to additional coding with regular expressions or custom functions.

Handling Special Characters:

Substrings containing special characters or regular expression metacharacters might require careful handling or escaping to avoid unintended consequences during matching.

Example :


As the complexity of substring filtering logic increases, the code may become harder to understand and maintain. This is particularly true when dealing with a large number of substrings or intricate matching conditions.

Dependency on External Libraries:

Using external libraries for advanced string matching introduces dependencies that need to be managed. This could lead to compatibility issues or increased complexity in the development and deployment process.

Limited String Matching Options:

Basic substring matching might not cover advanced scenarios, such as fuzzy matching or partial matching. In such cases, additional libraries or custom implementations may be necessary.

Error Handling:

Handling cases where substrings are not found or unexpected inputs are encountered requires careful consideration. Neglecting proper error handling could result in undesired outcomes or exceptions during execution.

In summary, while filtering a list of strings based on substrings is a common operation, being aware of these potential disadvantages allows developers to make informed decisions and choose the most suitable approach based on their specific needs and constraints.

Applications Of Filter List Of Strings Based On The Substring List In Python :

Filtering a list of strings based on a substring list in Python can be useful in various scenarios. Here are some common applications:

Data Cleaning in Text Processing:

When working with textual data, you may have a list of strings representing, for example, document titles or sentences. Filtering based on a substring list allows you to clean and organize the data by keeping only the relevant items.

Example :

Log Analysis:

When analyzing log files or messages, you may want to filter out entries that contain specific keywords or patterns.

Example :

Search Functionality:

Implementing a search functionality where users can input multiple keywords, and you want to filter a list of items based on those keywords.

Example :

Filtering in Test Automation:

In test automation, you may have a list of test case names and want to run only those test cases that match a specific criteria.

Example :

File Filtering:

When dealing with a directory of files, you may want to filter out files based on certain criteria such as file extensions.

Example :


Filtering a list of strings based on a substring list in Python is a common and useful task in programming, often employed to extract specific information or refine datasets. The process involves systematically examining each string in the original list and retaining only those that contain any of the specified substrings.

In Python, this task is commonly accomplished using list comprehensions or filter functions. These techniques provide concise and readable code, making it easy to understand and maintain. By iterating through the strings in the original list, developers can efficiently identify and preserve only those that meet the defined criteria.

One crucial consideration is case sensitivity. Depending on the requirements, developers may need to account for variations in letter casing to ensure accurate matching. Python's built-in functions and methods, such as str.lower() or str.upper(), can be employed to standardize the case of strings during the comparison process.

Efficiency is another aspect to consider, especially when dealing with large datasets. Optimizations, such as early stopping mechanisms or parallel processing, can enhance the performance of the filtering process.

This task showcases Python's flexibility and versatility when working with strings and lists, allowing for the creation of more refined datasets tailored to specific needs. Whether the goal is to extract relevant information from a collection of text data or to create a subset based on specific criteria, Python provides the tools and syntax to streamline the development process.

In conclusion, filtering a list of strings based on a substring list in Python is a fundamental yet powerful operation. It exemplifies the language's readability and expressiveness, making it a go-to choose for data manipulation and extraction tasks in various domains.