Similarly, we can create a secure temporary directory using the mkdtemp() method.





The Python code snippet creates a secure temporary directory with the prefix "secured_" and suffix "_javatpoint" supplied by using the mkdtemp() of the tempfile module. The system's temporary directory, usually located at /tmp/, is given a unique directory name by the function. The 'C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\secured__xnjhdez_javatpoint' directory path that is generated illustrates how to safely create a temporary directory that may be used for a variety of short-term storage requirements in Python programmes.

Location of Temporary Files

By modifying the tempdir property, we can specify where the files are kept. The gettempdir() function may be used to retrieve the location. Python looks through a typical list of directories when we create a temporary file or directory, looking for one where the calling user can create files.

Here is the list, arranged by preference:

  • The path specified by the environment variable TMPDIR.
  • The directory that the environment variable TEMP names.
  • The path is specified by the environment variable TMP.
  • A directory particular to a platform:
    1. the folders C:\TEMP, C:\TMP, \TEMP, and \TMP, in that sequence, on Windows.
    2. The folders /tmp, /var/tmp, and /usr/tmp, in that sequence, on all other platforms.
  • The directory in use right now.




The code uses tempfile.tempdir to set the temporary directory path to "C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp" and tempfile.gettempdir() to get the current temporary directory path. The output attests to the success of setting "C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp" as the temporary directory location. But take note that the actual temporary directory utilised could change based on permissions and system setup.


Generate Temporary Files and Directories Using Python

An Introduction to Python's tempfile Module

The temporary files become a basic need when we are working with a lot of data or when we need to save our data temporarily while the program is running. The Python's tempfile module offers us the facility to create such temporary files and work with them. These files are generated and saved in a platform-specific default directory with unique names. As soon as they are closed, the files made using the tempfile module are also removed.

In the following tutorial, we will be going to learn how to use the tempfile module in order to create the temporary files along with the temporary directories in the Python Programming Language.

So, let's get started.

Creating a Temporary File

The TemporaryFile() class of the tempfile module is used to create the temporary file. By default, this temporary file is opened in w+b mode, allowing us to read and write to it. Binary mode is utilized to enable files to function with any kind of data. It is possible that this file doesn't have a valid file name in the file system.



<tempfile._TemporaryFileWrapper object at 0x0000010D91754C10>


The above Python example illustrates the method of constructing a temporary file object using the tempfile module. The tempfile.TemporaryFile() class returns a file object, which also generates a temporary file. When displayed, <tempfile._TemporaryFileWrapper object at 0x0000010D91754C10> signifies the creation of a temporary file object with the unique identification " C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpfvlnfqov" in this example. The temporary file name, "C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpfvlnfqov" in this case, may be retrieved using the temp. name property. Temporary files are helpful for temporary data storage without the need for manual cleanup because they are immediately erased when they are closed or when the program ends.

An object that resembles a file and may be used as a temporary storage space is returned by the function. The file's random and unique name may be obtained using the name property.

Note: There is no file system reference to this file, nor is it a real, visible filename.

Creating a Temporary Named File

Similar to the TemporaryFile() Class, the NamedTemporaryFile() class of the tempfile module is also used to create temporary files; however, this class gives them a visible name in the file system. In order to stop the temporary file from being erased when it is closed, we need to set the delete option to False.



<tempfile._TemporaryFileWrapper object at 0x000002003CE74C40>


This sample of Python code shows how to construct a named temporary file object using the tempfile module. The tempfile returns a file object.NamedTemporaryFile() class, which also generates a temporary file with a distinct name. A temporary file object has been created, as shown by the printed <tempfile._TemporaryFileWrapper object at 0x000002003CE74C40>, with the temporary file's name being C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpo954nr1v. When named temporary files are closed, or the program ends, they are immediately removed. They offer a practical method of working with temporary files that have location or name requirements without requiring manual cleaning.

The only change is that this time, the file has a visible name instead of just returning the same file-like object as before.

Prefixing and Suffixing a Temporary File

By providing the options "suffix" and "prefix," we may decide to append a suffix or prefix to the name of a defined temporary file.


<tempfile._TemporaryFileWrapper object at 0x0000023CF5EB4D00>


This Python code creates a named temporary file with a personalized prefix and suffix using the tempfile module. Prefixes and suffixes are optional options that may be sent to the NamedTemporaryFile() class, enabling users to add prefixes and suffixes to the name of the temporary file that is produced. This example creates a temporary file named "C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\tempo_3rp4ezxg_javatpoint" by providing the prefix "tempo_" and the suffix "_javatpoint". This gives you the freedom to create temporary files with unique naming conventions that fit the requirements of the program.

Reading and Writing to a Temporary File

To write to a temporary file, use the write() function. By default, it accepts binary data as input. To transform a text into binary data, we can supply it as input and prefix it with a "b".

The write function returns the number of characters written. Instead, we may use the writelines() function, which accepts a string parameter, if we open the file in text mode (w+t). The pointer is at the end of the file after writing to it. Thus, the seek() function is used to place the file pointer at the beginning of the file before we may read its contents.

The character's index before which we wish to position the pointer is the argument that seek() accepts.



b'Hello. Greetings from Javatpoint! Lets Learn Python'   


This Python code shows how to create a temporary file called tmpFile using the tempfile module. The file pointer is reset to the beginning of the file using seek(0) after writing the bytes " Hello. Greetings from Javatpoint! Lets Learn Python" to the file using the write() function. After that, the file's content is read using the read() function, producing the output " Hello. Greetings from Javatpoint! Lets Learn Python" Lastly, close() is used to close the temporary file and free up any related system resources.

Creating a Temporary Directory

To keep our temporary files, we may build a temporary directory in the same way that we create files. The directory is created using the TemporaryDirectory() class. Once we have finished dealing with the temporary files, we must manually remove the directory with os.removedirs().



<TemporaryDirectory 'C:\\Users\\username\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\tmpfkl14tjd'>   


This Python code snippet demonstrates the use of the tempfile module to create a temporary directory named tmpDirectory. The TemporaryDirectory() Class creates a temporary directory on the system and returns a TemporaryDirectory object representing it. In this example, the path of the temporary directory is <TemporaryDirectory 'C:\\Users\\username\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\tmpfkl14tjd'>. Temporary directories like this are useful for storing temporary files or data during a program's execution, and they are automatically cleaned up when the program exits, removing the need for manual cleanup.

Secure Temporary File and Directory

With mkstemp(), we may safely create a temporary file. Only the person who created the file may read and write to it using this method. Prefix and suffix arguments can be added, just like in NamedTemporaryFile(). By changing the 'text' option to True, we may open it in text mode instead of the binary mode that is the default. When this file is closed, nothing happens to it.



(3, 'C:\\Users\\username\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\secured_gzlcj9t3_javatpoint')   


This little bit of Python code creates a secure temporary file using the mkstemp() method of the tempfile module. The function creates a unique filename in the temporary directory with the prefix "secured_" and suffix "_javatpoint" given. It yields a tuple with the absolute path of the temporary file ('C:\\Users\\username\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\secured_gzlcj9t3_javatpoint') and the OS-level file descriptor (3 in this case). This method guarantees the safe generation of temporary files, making it appropriate in situations where security is an issue.