How To Take Screenshot Using Python


In the busy world of technology, taking screenshots has become an essential component in most applications and projects. The Python programming language that is multifunctional provides various robust tools and libraries for managing many different types of tasks, including the capturing screenshots. In this detailed guide on capturing screenshots in Python, we will discuss various methods and libraries for the beginners as well as advanced developers to run commands that capture images.

Understanding the Basics of Screenshots

Before discussing the ways in which Python plays a very significant role, it is important to understand first the fundamentals of Screenshots. A screenshot is an image that takes a snapshot of what has been displayed on the computer or mobile device's monitor. Screenshots are very helpful for documentation, bug reporting, tutorials and also many different other uses.

Let us see the required libraries that are used in taking screenshots using python:

Required Libraries

It is possible to make screenshots in Python using numerous libraries that offer a different set of features and capabilities. In the comprehensive tutorial provided earlier, three primary libraries were discussed: Pillow, PyAutoGUI, and mss. Here is a summary of the required libraries:

1. Pillow:

  • Installation:
  • Key Features:
    • It performs Image processing and manipulation.
    • It Enables the opening, editing and also saving multiple types of image file formats.
    • It has the 'ImageGrab' module using which we can capture the screenshots.

2. PyAutoGUI:

  • Installation:
  • Key Features:
    • It is a cross-platform automation library.
    • It enables GUI automation, including the taking screenshot.
    • It helps to capture the entire screen or the particular areas.

3. Mss (Multiple Screen Shots):

  • Installation:
  • Key Features:
    • The specialized library for taking screenshots, especially in the case of many monitors.
    • It Provides better support for multi-monitor handling than both Pillow and PyAutoGUI.
    • It Offers more tools for screenshot capture and monitor setting.

However, please do remember that the selection of a library is largely determined by your particular use case and also project needs. Pillow is a multi-purpose image processing library that supports the screenshot capture functionality, PyAutoGUI mainly deals with automation tasks and mss targets the management of several monitors effectively. According to the project requirements, you might select one or a set of these libraries to meet the desired functionalities.

Code Implementation in Python :

Let us see the implementation of how to take screenshots using python:


How To Take Screenshot Using Python


  • The script imports the necessary modules: 'pyautogui' to take screenshots and 'tkinter', for creating the GUI.
  • The main Tkinter window is created as the 'root object'.
  • Within the window, a Canvas widget called windows is created, which serves as a drawing surface for GUI components.
  • The function 'capture_ss' captures a screenshot using screenshot (), asks the user where to save it with asksaveasfilename() and saves it as filename-screensotr.png file
  • A button with the label "Capture Screenshot" is formulated using 'tk. Button'. On click, this button calls the 'capture_ss'
  • The button is placed on the canvas with 'windows.create_window'.
  • The GUI is enabled, and the event loop is mainloop(), allows for handling of user interactions by starting 'Tkinter'.

Running this script produces a small GUI window with one button on it. The pressing of the button results in a screenshot capture, before which the user is being asked to specify where he or she would like to save it from. The output file carries a name of "-screenshot.png".


In this comprehensive guide, we have discussed different ways and python libraries for taking screenshots. The choice between Pillow, PyAutoGUI and MSS will depend on the kind of requirements you have as well as your project. Mastering these tools is essential because they allow you to embed screenshot capture in your applications without hiccups, automate monotonous processes and make developing apps more enjoyable. With constant technological advances, one has to not only keep up with the new developments but be able to make decisions based on this information; staying ahead as you are in a field that dramatically changes every day.