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Java 11 var in Lambda Expressions

Java, one of the most widely used programming languages, has continuously evolved to enhance developer productivity and code readability. With the release of Java 10, the introduction of the var keyword allowed developers to declare local variables without explicitly specifying their data types. This feature brought significant benefits to code readability and maintenance. Building upon this, Java 11 took it a step further by allowing the use of var with lambda expressions. In this section, we will delve into the world of Java 11's var and lambda expressions, exploring how this combination can streamline code and improve the overall development experience.

The Power of var in Local Variable Declarations

Before we dive into the specifics of using var with lambda expressions, let's quickly recap the power of var in local variable declarations. The var keyword, introduced in Java 10, allows developers to declare variables without explicitly mentioning their types. Instead, the type is inferred from the right-hand side of the assignment expression. This simplifies code, reduces verbosity, and enhances code readability.

For instance, consider the following pre-Java 10 code snippet:

With var, the same code becomes much cleaner:

Using var in Lambda Expressions

Lambda expressions, introduced in Java 8, revolutionized the way developers write concise and expressive code for functional programming. Java 11 builds upon this foundation by allowing the use of var in lambda expressions, further enhancing the elegance of code.

Lambda expressions often involve functional interfaces like Consumer, Predicate, and Function. These interfaces are commonly used in scenarios where you want to pass behaviors as arguments, making your code more flexible and modular. Let's see how var fits into this picture.

Consider the following example using a traditional approach without var:

Now, with the magic of var, the code becomes more succinct:

The var keyword is particularly beneficial when dealing with complex types or nested structures, as it eliminates the need for verbose type declarations.

Here's a complete Java code example demonstrating the use of var with lambda expressions in Java 11. This example will showcase how to use var in lambda expressions to iterate over a list of integers and print each number.

File Name:


Using traditional approach:

Using var with lambda expression:

In the code above, we have a class named VarLambdaExample containing a main method. Inside the main method, we create a list of integers called numbers using the Arrays.asList() method. We then use two different approaches to iterate over the list and print each number using lambda expressions.

In the first approach, we use the traditional method of explicitly specifying the type of the lambda parameter as Integer number. In the second approach, we use the var keyword to let the compiler infer the type of the lambda parameter. Both approaches produce the same output, but the second approach with var results in cleaner and more concise code.

Benefits of Using var with Lambda Expressions

  • Conciseness: The combination of var and lambda expressions results in code that is concise and expressive. This is especially valuable when working with functional programming paradigms, where clear and succinct code is essential.
  • Readability: By removing the type declarations from lambda expressions, the code becomes more readable and less cluttered. This allows developers to focus on the logic of the lambda expression itself, rather than the details of type annotations.
  • Flexibility: Using var in lambda expressions makes the code more flexible and adaptable to changes. If the type of a variable changes, the code remains valid as long as the new type is compatible.
  • Reduced Maintenance: The cleaner code resulting from the use of var with lambda expressions simplifies maintenance and debugging. Developers can more easily understand and modify the codebase.


The introduction of the var keyword in Java 10 brought a significant improvement in code readability and maintenance. Java 11 takes this a step further by allowing developers to use var with lambda expressions. This powerful combination enhances code conciseness, readability, flexibility, and reduces maintenance efforts. As developers continue to embrace functional programming paradigms and seek cleaner, more expressive code, the use of var with lambda expressions becomes an invaluable tool in their arsenal. Embracing these features will undoubtedly contribute to more efficient and elegant Java codebases.

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