Java ThreadLocalRandom nextLong() methodThe nextLong() method of Java ThreadLocalRandom class returns a pseudorandom long value. This method overrides the nextLong in class Random. Syntax:Parameter:NA Returns:This method returns a pseudorandom long value. ExampleOutput: Random long value is: 8925561344935968546 Java ThreadLocalRandom nextLong(long bound) methodThe nextLong(long bound) method of Java ThreadLocalRandom class returns a pseudorandom. It returns the uniformly distributed value between 0 and bound. Syntax:Parameter:bound: It is the bound on the random number. It must be positive. Returns:This method returns the next value. Exception:IllegalArgumentException - This exception will throw if n is not positive. Example 1Output: Random long value is: 1703 Example 2Output: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: bound must be positive at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom.nextInt(Unknown Source) at tests.JavaNextLongExample2.main( Java ThreadLocalRandom nextLong(long origin, long bound) methodThe nextLong(long origin, long bound) method of Java ThreadLocalRandom class returns a pseudorandom. It returns the uniformly distributed value between the given least value and bound. Syntax:Parameter:origin - It is the least value. bound - It is the upper bound (exclusive). Returns:This method returns a pseudorandom long value between the origin and the bound. Exception:IllegalArgumentException - This exception will throw if origin is greater than or equal to bound. Example 1Output: Random long value is: 39171 Example 2Output: Random long value is: 42248 Example 3Output: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: bound must be positive at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom.nextLong(Unknown Source) at tests.JavaNextLongExample2.main( Next TopicJava-threadlocalrandom-setseed-method |