JOGL Rotation

In JOGL, an object can be rotated in any direction along any of the three axis. To rotate an object you need to follow the below step: -

  • Removes the previous state of an object to clear the view. For that you need to clear the color and depth buffer by using the following method: -
  • Now, reset the project matrix with the help of glLoadIntensity() method
  • Invoke the glRotatef() method of GLMatrixFunc interface.

Frame per Second Animator Class

The FPSAnimator class is a subclass of Animator class used to rotate an object at the rate of frame per second.

Constructor of FPSAnimator Class

FPSAnimator(int fps)It creates an FPSAnimator with specified value of target frame-per-second.
FPSAnimator(GLAutoDrawabledrawable, int fps)It creates an FPSAnimator with an intialdrawable to animate and specified value of target frame-per-second.
FPSAnimator(GLAutoDrawabledrawable, int fps, booleanscheduleAtFixedRate)It creates an FPSAnimator with an intialdrawable to animate, specified value of target frame-per-second and a flag that specifies whether to use fixed-rate scheduling.
FPSAnimator(int fps, booleanscheduleAtFixedRate)It creates an FPSAnimator with specified value of target frame-per-second a flag that specifies whether to use fixed-rate scheduling.

JOGL Rotation Example

In this example, we will rotate a triangle.


JOGL Rotation
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