Ruby on Rails 5 Hello World ExampleWe will create a simple Ruby on Rails 5 program displaying Hello World. Ruby on Rails 5 program is quite different from Ruby on Rails 4 program. PrerequisitesText Editor: You can use any text editor which is suitable for you. We are using Sublime Text editor which features many plugins. Browser: We are using Ubuntu default browser, Mozilla Firefox. Hello World ExampleStep 1 Create a directory jtp in which all the code will be present and will navigate from the command line. Step 2 Change the directory to jtp Step 3 Create a new application with the name helloWorld. You will see something as shown in the below snapshot. A helloWorld directory will be created in your system. Inside this folder there will be many files and subfolders which is actually the Rails application. Step 4 Move in to your above created application directory that is helloWorld. Step 5 Rails 5 has no longer a static index page in production. There will not be a root page in the production, so we need to create it. First we will create a controller called hello for our home page. You will see something as shown in the above snapshot. Step 6 Now we need to add an index page. In file app/views/hello/index.html.erb, write Step 7 Now we need to route the Rails to this action. Edit the config/routes.rb file to set the index page to our new method. Add the following line in the routes.rb file, Step 8 Now you can verify the page by running your server. By default, Rails server listens to the port 3000. Although you can change it with the following command. Step 9 Visit click here in your browser. DownloadDownload this exampleNext TopicRuby on rails directory structure |