T-SQL ORDER BYORDER BY Clause sorts the database in increasing or decreasing order. To sort multiple columns at once, separate the column names by the operator (,) operator. - ORDER BY sorts the data in ascending order by default.
- The DESC keyword is used to sort the data in descending order and ASC keyword is used to sort the database in ascending order.
Syntax of ORDER BY Clause:Here: table_name: Name of the table. column_name: Column of the database. |: Use ASC or DESC to sort in ascending or descending order Example:Consider the CUSTOMERS table which has the below records - ID | NAME | AGE | ADDRESS | SALARY |
01 | William | 32 | Karachi | 72000 | 02 | Avery | 24 | London | 34000 | 03 | Jackson | 34 | Paris | 12000 | 04 | Harper | 20 | United state | 15000 | 05 | Ella | 22 | Islamabad | 33000 | 06 | Monty | 23 | Turkey | 42000 | 07 | Mason | 26 | Saudi | 50500 |
Example 1:Below command is the example, which sorts the result in ascending order by NAME and the SALARY. The command gives the below output. ID | NAME | AGE | ADDRESS | SALARY |
02 | Avery | 24 | London | 72000 | 05 | Ella | 22 | Islamabad | 34000 | 04 | Harper | 20 | New York | 12000 | 03 | Jackson | 34 | Paris | 15000 | 07 | Mason | 26 | Saudi Arabia | 33000 | 06 | Monty | 23 | Turkey | 42000 | 01 | William | 32 | Karachi | 50500 |
Example 2:The command is the example, which sort the result in descending order by AGE. The above command will produce the following effect ? ID | NAME | AGE | ADDRESS | SALARY |
03 | Jackson | 34 | Paris | 50500 | 07 | William | 32 | Karachi | 42000 | 01 | Mason | 26 | Saudi Arabia | 33000 | 02 | Avery | 24 | London | 15000 | 06 | Monty | 23 | Turkey | 12000 | 05 | Ella | 22 | Islamabad | 34000 | 04 | Harper | 20 | New York | 72000 |
Example 3:This command sorts the result in ascending order by ADDRESS. The command gives the below output. ID | NAME | AGE | ADDRESS | SALARY |
05 | Ella | 22 | Islamabad | 33000 | 01 | William | 32 | Karachi | 72000 | 02 | Avery | 24 | London | 34000 | 03 | Jackson | 34 | Paris | 12000 | 07 | Mason | 26 | Saudi | 50500 | 06 | Monty | 23 | Turkey | 42000 | 04 | Harper | 20 | United state | 15000 |