Understanding the need for Spring Cloud BusStep 1: Select the project spring-cloud-config-server and run the SpringCloudConfigServerApplication.java file. Step 2: Select the project limits-service and run the LimitsServiceApplication.java file. Step 3: Open the browser and type https://localhost/8080/limits. It returns the following response: We are getting these values from the limits-service-qa.properties file, because we have configured this file into the bootstrap.properties file of the limits-service. In the next step, we will create one more instance of LimitsServiceApplication. Step 4: Create an instance of LimitsServiceApplication. Right click on the limits-service project -> Run As -> Run Configurations… -> Right-click on the LimitsServiceApplication -> Duplicate -> Rename the application name to LimitsServiceApplication8081 -> Click on the Arguments tab -> Provide the VM arguments: -Dserver.port=8081 -> Run. An instance of LimitsServiceApplication will run on port 8081. Step 5: Open the browser and invoke the URL http://locahost:8081/limits. It returns the same response as the original limits-service sends. The two instances of limits-service up and running. Step 6: Make the changes in the limits-service-qa.properties, we have changed the minimum value from 2 to 22. limits-service-qa.properties We are required to commit the changes. Step 7: Open the Git Bash and run the following commands: Again, invoke the URLs http://localhost:8080/limits and http://localhost:8081/limits. Both the URLs return the old values, while we have committed the values in the Git repository. It does not reflect the values in the limits-service. To make the changes in the limits-service, we will use Postman. Note: Before moving to the next step, remove the security from the limits-service.Step 8: Open limits-service.properties file and disable the security by using the following statement. Again, set the old values in the limits-service-qa.properties file and commit the changes.
Step 9: Open the Postman and send a POST request with the URL http://localhost:8080/application/refresh. Note: If you are invoking the URL http://localhost:8080/limits and it does not return the new values. So to get the new values on invoking the URL http://localhost:8081/limits, you have to do the following: |