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std::adjacent_difference in C++

std::adjacent_difference is a function in C++ that calculates the differences between adjacent elements in a sequence and stores the results in another sequence. It is part of the Standard Template Library (STL) and is particularly useful for analyzing how values change from one element to the next in a series.

The general idea is to take a sequence of values, such as a range of numbers in a container, and compute the difference between each element and its preceding one. The differences are then stored in a separate container, providing insights into the rate of change or variation between adjacent elements.

The term "adjacent difference" refers to the calculation of the difference between consecutive pairs of elements in a sequence or series. In a given sequence (such as an array or a list), the adjacent difference represents the change or gap between each element and its adjacent neighbor.

So, in the context of programming and algorithms, computing adjacent differences is a way to analyze the changes or trends in a series of values. The std::adjacent_difference function in C++ is a convenient tool to automate this calculation for a given range of elements.

Here's a breakdown of its functionality:

Basic Usage:

It operates on a range defined by two iterators (first and last).

It computes the differences between adjacent elements and stores the results in another range defined by an output iterator (d_first).

Optional Custom Operation:

While the default behavior is to subtract each element from its predecessor; you can provide a custom binary operation to define how the differences are calculated.

Example Use Cases:

  • Analyzing changes in time series data (e.g., stock prices, temperature readings).
  • Calculating the first differences in numerical sequences.
  • Finding the rate of change in a set of values.

Without Custom Exception Handling:

When we say "Without Custom Exception Handling", we mean that the code does not include specific checks for exceptional conditions or errors, and it relies on the default behavior of functions in case of issues. Suppose an exception occurs during the execution of a function like std::adjacent_difference. In that case, it will propagate up the the call stack until it's caught by an appropriate catch block, or the program may terminate with an error message.


Here's an example code without custom exception handling:


Original sequence: 1 4 6 9 12 
Adjacent differences: 1 3 2 3 3 
An exception occurred: Input sequence must have at least two elements.


In this example, the calculateAdjacentDifferences function is defined to encapsulate the calculation of adjacent differences with custom exception handling. It checks if the input sequence has at least two elements and throws a std::invalid_argument exception if not.

Function calculateAdjacentDifferences:

  • This Function takes a vector of integers input as a parameter and calculates the adjacent differences. Before performing the calculation, it checks whether the size of the input vector is less than 2.
  • If so, it throws a std::invalid_argument exception with a specific error message. This is a form of custom exception handling to ensure the input sequence has a sufficient number of elements for calculating adjacent differences.

main Function:

  • The main Function demonstrates the usage of this custom function with both a valid and an invalid input sequence.
  • The custom exception handling in the calculateAdjacentDifferences Function ensures that the program doesn't proceed with invalid input, and any exceptions are caught and handled in the main Function's catch

Valid Input Sequence:

  • It creates a vector validSequence with elements {1, 4, 6, 9, 12}.
  • Calls calculateAdjacentDifferences with the valid sequence.
  • Prints the original sequence and the calculated adjacent differences.

Invalid Input Sequence:

  • It creates a vector invalidSequence with only one element ({7}), which is less than the required two elements.
  • Calls calculateAdjacentDifferences with the invalid sequence.
  • Since the invalid input triggers an exception in the calculateAdjacentDifferences function, the program won't reach the code after this point.

Exception Handling:

  • The try block is used to catch exceptions thrown during the execution.
  • The catch block catches exceptions of type std::exception (or any of its derived types) and prints an error message to the standard error stream.
  • This code provides a more robust approach to handling potential issues with the input sequence and demonstrates how to use custom exception handling in conjunction with the std::adjacent_difference function.

Complexity Analysis:

Time Complexity:

calculateAdjacentDifferences Function:

The std::adjacent_difference function has a linear time complexity, as it traverses the input range once.

The additional check for the size of the input vector (input. size() < 2) is a constant-time operation.

main Function:

Creating vectors and iterating over them in both the valid and invalid examples have linear time complexity, as they depend on the size of the vectors.

The time complexity of the entire program is dominated by the calculateAdjacentDifferences function, and it remains linear (O(N)), where N is the size of the input vectors.

Space Complexity:

calculateAdjacentDifferences Function:

The space complexity is O(N), where N is the size of the input vector. This is because the function creates a vector (differences) to store the adjacent differences.

main Function:

The space complexity here is also O(N), where N is the size of the larger vector (validSequence or invalidSequence). Both vectors are created to store integer values.

The space complexity is also linear (O(N)), mainly due to the vectors created to store the input sequences and the calculated adjacent differences.

With Custom Exception Handling:

Custom exception handling is a programming practice that involves defining and handling specific error conditions in a program by using user-defined exceptions. Exceptions are events that can occur during the execution of a program, disrupting the normal flow, and custom exception handling allows developers to respond to these exceptional conditions in a manner tailored to their application's requirements.

Custom exception handling enhances the robustness of the code by providing explicit checks for exceptional conditions and informative error messages. It allows for better control and understanding of the program's behavior in the face of unexpected situations.

"With Custom Exception Handling" means that the code includes explicit checks for certain conditions, and if those conditions are not met, it throws and catches custom exceptions to handle the exceptional cases more gracefully.



Original sequence: 1 4 6 9 12 
Adjacent differences: 1 3 2 3 3 
An exception occurred: Input sequence must have at least two elements.


calculateAdjacentDifferences Function:

Function Signature:

std::vector calculateAdjacentDifferences(const std::vector& input): This Function takes a constant reference to a vector of integers as input and returns a vector of integers.

Custom Exception Handling:

The Function starts with a check: if the size of the input vector is less than 2, it throws a std::invalid_argument exception.

The throw statement generates an exception object with a descriptive error message, indicating that the input sequence must have at least two elements.

Calculate Adjacent Differences:

If the input sequence passes the size check, the Function proceeds to calculate the adjacent differences using std::adjacent_difference.

The results are stored in a new vector called differences.

Return Statement:

The Function returns the vector containing the calculated adjacent differences.

main Function:

Try-Catch Block:

The main function is wrapped in a try block, indicating that it's monitoring for potential exceptions.

Example with a Valid Input Sequence:

A vector validSequence is created with elements {1, 4, 6, 9, 12}.

The calculateAdjacentDifferences function is called with the valid sequence, and the results are stored in validDifferences.

The original sequence and the calculated adjacent differences are printed to the console.

Example with an Invalid Input Sequence:

A vector invalidSequence is created with only one element ({7}), which is less than the required two elements.

The calculateAdjacentDifferences function is called with the invalid sequence.

Since the invalid input triggers an exception in the calculateAdjacentDifferences function, the program won't reach the code after this point.

Catch Block:

The catch block catches exceptions of type std::exception (or any of its derived types).

It prints an error message to the standard error stream using e.what(), which retrieves the error message associated with the thrown exception.


The calculateAdjacentDifferences function encapsulates the logic for calculating adjacent differences and includes a check for a valid input size, throwing a custom exception if the condition is not met.

The main Function demonstrates the use of this Function with both valid and invalid input sequences, showcasing how custom exception handling can be employed to ensure the program handles exceptional conditions gracefully.

This code structure enhances the reliability of the program by providing specific error messages when dealing with invalid input conditions, making it more maintainable and easier to debug.

Complexity Analysis:

Time Complexity:

The dominant operation is the call to std::adjacent_difference, which has a linear time complexity as it traverses the input range once.

The check for the size of the input vector (input. size() < 2) is a constant-time operation.

Iterating over the vectors and printing them has linear time complexity, as it depends on the size of the vectors.

The time complexity of the entire program is dominated by the calculateAdjacentDifferences function, and it remains linear (O(N)), where N is the size of the input vectors.

Space Complexity:

The space complexity is O(N), where N is the size of the input vector. This is because the function creates a vector (differences) to store the adjacent differences.

The space complexity here is also O(N), where N is the size of the larger vector (validSequence or invalidSequence). Both vectors are created to store integer values.

The space complexity is also linear (O(N)), mainly due to the storage of the input sequences and the calculated differences in vectors.

Key Differences:

Exception Handling (With Custom Exception Handling):

The code with custom exception handling includes a check in the calculateAdjacentDifferences function to ensure that the input sequence has at least two elements. If not, it throws a std::invalid_argument exception.

The main function includes a try-catch block to catch exceptions of type std::exception. If the custom exception is thrown in the calculateAdjacentDifferences function, it is caught in this block, and an error message is printed.

Handling Invalid Input (With Custom Exception Handling):

With custom exception handling, the program explicitly checks for and handles the case where the input sequence has insufficient elements. It throws and catches a custom exception with a meaningful error message.

Without custom exception handling, the program does not explicitly check the validity of the input sequence. If an issue arises during the calculation of adjacent differences, it might lead to undefined behavior or incorrect results.

Code Robustness (With Custom Exception Handling):

The version with custom exception handling is more robust as it anticipates and handles specific error conditions gracefully. It provides clear error messages that aid in identifying and resolving issues.

The version without custom exception handling is more prone to unexpected behavior if the input sequence does not meet the assumptions of the algorithm.

In summary, custom exception handling enhances the robustness of the code by providing explicit checks for exceptional conditions and informative error messages. It allows for better control and understanding of the program's behavior in the face of unexpected situations.

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