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ER Diagram for Employee Management System

In DBMS, ER diagram for an employee management system shows how the databases are connected to each other. It also shows how all the databases are logically related to each other. We can also create an ER diagram by drawing the figure of a different part of the employee management system and their properties and how they perform their task.

We can draw an ER diagram of the employee management system by drawing the design of the database. The sketch of the database became the storage of the database where the data comes and goes.

Details of Employee Management System ER Diagram:

Now we describe the overall function of the Employee Management System in the below table. It is a complete overview of the information about the Employee management project.

Name: ER Diagram of the Employee Management System.
Abstract: The ER Diagram of the Employee management system shows the relationship between various entities. We can also call it the blueprint of the employee management system.
Diagram: We can also call the ER diagram an Entity Relationship diagram.
Tool used: The ER diagram provides some symbol that is known as the diagramming tool.
Users: The users of the ER diagram are employees and business owner or company.

What is Employee Management System?

With the help of an employee management system, employers can easily control the increase in productivity and labor control. The employee management system also gives information about the employees to the manager. It also manages the working hour of the employees.

We can also say that the Employee management system is an application-based system that is developed with the help of two applications. One of the applications is developed for employers to handle the information about employees and track employee attendance. The second one is for companies to store their important data.

Features of employee management system

The Employee Management systems provide some features. These features are as below.

  1. Employee management: With the help of these features, the system can gather information about the employees. With the help of this information, the system can track the job performance of the employee and other important matters regarding the system. It also checks the attendance of the employees.
  2. Manage salaries and bonuses: The management of bonuses and salaries can be done by the admin. With the help of the employee management system, the admin can track the company's expenses and wages. This overall process helps the company distribute salaries among the employees and other matters regarding the employees' salaries.
  3. Manage job department and status: With the help of this feature, the system can manage and monitor the job status of every employee. This system also helps to calculate the salary for the employee based on the range of their labor or per month. This system also records all the expenses of the company and stores these data in the company database.
  4. Manage and monitor transaction records: With the help of this feature, the admin can track every transaction made by the employee with the service offered to their customer. This system also records the attendance and leaves of the employees.

Benefit of the Employee Management System

There is some benefit to using the employee management system. These are as follows.

  1. The admin can access all the data quickly because the employee management system can store all the data in one particular place.
  2. It saves the time of the admin, and it also stores all the data in an organized manner.
  3. It also provides features for the employee to collaborate with the teammate online in real-time.
  4. Create an employee management system ERD template that works for you and your department using the ERD model stencils.

What is an ER Diagram?

We can also call ER diagram the database design for the employee management system project. The ER diagram is like a picture that contains how all the entities are related to each other. The most important part of the ER diagram is Relationships, Attributes, and Entities.

Importance of ER Diagram

The ER diagram for the project is the foundation for the building of the database of the project. The properties, datatypes, and attributes are defined by the ER diagram.

ER Diagram for Employee Management System

The ER diagram for the employee management system, the system data, and their attributes. The data and the attributes are represented by the table, and the table shows how they are related to each other.

Database design for the Employee management system

ER Diagram for Employee Management System

The above diagram shows the database design for the employee management system. This database design shows all the system data, and the output for the user ate stored in the database. In DBMS, a good ER diagram is needed for the creation of an employee management system.

Employee Management System ER Diagram Tables

The below table shows all about the field name of the table, description, datatype, and character length. Each table of the ER diagram defines and explains the data storage.

The field column lists all the attributes of the database that describes each column. The types table of the database shows what kind of data each attribute is, and the length shows how many characters it has.

Table Name: Employee

Field Description Type Length
emp_ID (PK) Employee ID Int 11
fname Employee First Name Varchar 255
lname Employee Last Name Varchar 255
gender Employee Gender Int 11
age Employee Age Int 11
contact_add Contact Address Int 11
emp_email Employee Email Varchar 255
emp_pass Employee Password Varchar 255

Table Name: Users

Field Description Type Length
admin_ID (PK) Admin ID Int 11
fname Instructor First Name Varchar 255
lname Instructor Last Name Varchar 255
gender Instructor Gender Int 11
age Instructor Age Int 11
contact_add Contact Address Int 11
admin_email Admin Email Varchar 255
admin_pass Admin Password Varchar 255

Table Name: Job Department

Field Description Type Length
job_ID (PK) Job ID Int 11
job_dept Job Department Varchar 30
name Job Name Varchar 30
description Job Description Varchar 30
salary_range Salary Range Varchar 30

Table Name: Salary or Bonus

Field Description Type Length
salary_ID (PK) Salary ID Int 11
job_ID (FK) Job ID Int 11
amount Amount Int 11
annual Annual Expense Date
bonus Bonus Date

Table Name: Qualification

Field Description Type Length
qual_ID (PK) Qualification ID Int 11
emp_ID (FK) Employee ID Int 11
position Position of Application Varchar 30
requirements Requirements Varchar 30
date_in Date In Date

Table Name: Payroll

Field Description Type Length
payroll_ID (PK) Payroll ID Int 11
emp_ID (FK) Employee ID Int 11
job_ID (FK) Job ID Int 11
salary_ID (FK) Salary ID Int 11
leave_ID (FK) Leave ID Int 11
date Date of Payroll Report Date
report Report Text
total amount Total Amount Int 11

With the help of the above tables, we can set up the database for the employee management system. It provides the full description of the database with its table names. They will enter all the values and attributes for the database in the table.

How to Create ER Diagram

We can create the ER diagram for the table just in 5 minutes. There are some steps, and with the help of these steps, we can build the ER diagram for the employee management system project. The steps are as below.

Step-1: We have to familiarize ourselves with the entity relationship diagram cardinality and symbols. Then we have to show the data structure for the project in the entity relationship diagram. The symbol of the entity relationship diagram shows how they fit together. Before making the ER diagram, we should properly know the meaning of all the symbols and how to use all of them symbols.

Symbol of entity relationship diagram:

  1. Fields:This entity shows how the different types of data are used together for a project. The symbol is used to show how the part of the project is working.
  2. Key:It is a type of technique that is used to categorize the quality of the data. There are two types of keys available for the database. These are as follows.
    • Primary key:It is a set of unique properties that are used for finding the specific entity.
    • A foreign key: It is a type of key made up of a piece of data with too many links to other things.

Step 2: Finalize the entities included.

Start making your ER Diagram by deciding on all the parts your employee management system must have. You'll need to leave the area in your design for these rectangles to be included later.

Step 3: Add the attributes of each entity.

After you've decided on the entities, think about the traits you'll need for each one. In a conceptual ER diagram, the details of the different entities are given as attributes. Attributes are things like a thing's traits, a many-to-many relationship, or a one-to-one relationship. Attributes with multiple values can be given more than one value.

Step 4: Describe the relationships (cardinality) between entities and attributes.

You will need the entities, their attributes, and the relationships between them to plot the relationships between the ERD. To get the right entity relationship diagram, you will use the information you gathered to build the data structure.


You need to know how the Employee Management System was designed and built using diagrams. With the help of an ER diagram will help you make a system that works well.

Making it will help you understand how the software works behind the scenes. This is where all the data that goes in and out of the system will be stored.

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