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Java Method isBridge() Method

The isBridge() method of Method class returns true if this method is a bridge method; false otherwise.



No parameter is passed.


true if and only if this method is a bridge method as defined by the Java Language Specification.


Does not throw an exception.

Example 1

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Bridge Methods  are
Method: compareTo

Example 2

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equals = false
toString = false
hashCode = false
clone = false
compareTo = false
compareTo = true
readObject = false
writeObject = false
normalize = false
normalize = false
parse = false
after = false
before = false
from = false
getTime = false
setTime = false
getDate = false
UTC = false
convertToAbbr = false
getCalendarDate = false
getCalendarSystem = false
getCalendarSystem = false
getCalendarSystem = false
getDay = false
getHours = false
getJulianCalendar = false
getMillisOf = false
getMinutes = false
getMonth = false
getSeconds = false
getTimeImpl = false
getTimezoneOffset = false
getYear = false
setDate = false
setHours = false
setMinutes = false
setMonth = false
setSeconds = false
setYear = false
toGMTString = false
toInstant = false
toLocaleString = false
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