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There are a lot of inventions in programming field, lot of programming languages are introduced and introducing every year. Every time, the programmers introduce a new language that is supposed to fix some of the issues occurred with the previous one. Some believe that all programming languages are pretty same and uses the standard software and programming language. But why the programmers are inventing a new programs every year?

Consider java as an example, it is introduced to fix some of the issues with C++. Dynamic languages were created in such a way that it should solve some problems better than the existing languages.

There is no universally accepted definition for Dynamic languages. We can define that any programming language which allows Run-time modification, is a dynamic language. Run-time modification is nothing but we can change the program while it is running. The original definition also included the need of the language to be high level, dynamically typed, and open source. The most on demand dynamic languages are Python, Perl and Ruby.

Dynamic languages allow programmers to modify even change the structure while running. It is known as Run-time modification. High-level language is nothing but the language which is having higher level of abstraction. C is a high level language because it is having higher level of abstraction. Python and other dynamic languages are having another level of abstraction. The features expecting from the dynamic languages are automation, memory management and exception handling, more abstract built-in data types like lists and dictionaries, Non-static typing mechanisms and specific syntax choices to promote better code readability and significantly reduced code verbosity. Dynamic languages are designed under the assumption of having some predefined components to create applications in an easy manner. Dynamic languages are often interpreted as opposed to compiled .This means that source code is read at run-time by an interpreter - a computer program that translates source code into a target representation that it immediately executes and evaluates. This process is opposed to compilation in which a compiler reads the source code and a language that uses dynamic typing is said to be a dynamically checked language since type checks occur at run-time (during execution) as opposed to compile-time as happens with static typing. Type checking consists of verifying that code respects type constraints preventing the application of operations to objects of incompatible types. If a language does not require that the type of a variable be known at compile time, then a language is said to be dynamically typed.

Some of the most popular dynamic programming languages are:

  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • Ruby
  • PHP
  • Lua
  • Perl etc.

The most popular dynamic languages were designed to solve technical problems faced by their inventors and tend to remain focused on solving technical problems as opposed to being tools to further a corporate agenda. These languages are built on a Philosophy of optimizing person-time instead of computer-time - they sacrifice efficiency to increase productivity. The very development of these languages differs significantly from the traditional model of programming language development, it's so deeply open source that there is an almost total transparency about how the language evolved through the bug tracking records, the version control software's logs and the discussions in the mailing lists. All of which being public. Another peculiarity of the development process is that the language's core evolves separately from the libraries. The core is controlled by a small team of individuals who ensure that the language.

Usage of dynamic languages:

  • Artificial Intelligence.
  • Science and education
  • Data Analysis and Statistics
  • Biology
  • Mathematics
  • Web Applications
  • Games

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