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Automatic Repeat ReQuest (ARQ) in Computer Networks

Computer networks are the foundation of contemporary communication because they allow for the seamless transfer of data and information across very long distances. The dependable transmission of data is essential in this complex web of interconnected systems and devices. Various protocols and procedures are used to guarantee data integrity and effective communication. Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ) is one of the primary methods used in computer networks for error detection and correction. This essay seeks to provide a thorough and exhaustive explanation of ARQ in computer networks, covering its fundamentals, varieties, modes of operation, benefits, and drawbacks.

Principles of ARQ

The dependable transfer of data through erratic or error-prone communication links is managed by the ARQ protocol. It is based on the idea of error prevention and rectification. Data is broken up into packets or frames and sent from a sender to a receiver.

Each of these packets is sent separately, and upon successful packet reception, the sender anticipates receiving an acknowledgment (ACK) from the recipient. The sender resends the packet if it does not receive an ACK within a predetermined timeout window or if it finds an error. This procedure keeps going until all of the packets are successfully received and acknowledged by the receiver.

Types of ARQ

1. Stop-and-Wait ARQ

Stop-and-Wait One of the most basic and straightforward ARQ protocol types is ARQ. In this protocol, after delivering a data frame to the receiver, the sender waits for the receiver to send back an acknowledgment (ACK) before sending the next frame. The sender considers that the frame was lost or corrupted and retransmits it if it does not get an ACK or a negative acknowledgment (NAK) within the set delay interval.


  • Simplicity: Wait-and-Stop ARQ is appropriate for slow and error-prone links since it is simple to use and comprehend.
  • Minimal buffering: Only one frame is transmitted at a time, so there is little need for buffering at either the sender or the receiver.


  • Unproductive: Stop-and-Wait Due to the waiting time for ACKs, ARQ can be very wasteful on high-speed lines, which restricts the throughput.
  • Limited concurrency: Because it transmits one frame at a time, it does not fully utilize the available bandwidth.

2. Go-Back-N ARQ

The sender can send many frames using the more sophisticated ARQ protocol known as Go-Back-N ARQ before getting acknowledgments. The receiver counts the predicted sequence number and acknowledges every frame until the following one is expected. The receiver tosses out all succeeding frames if any are malformed or missing until the corrupted or missing frame is retransmitted.


  • Higher throughput: Increased throughput Go-Back-N ARQ allows many frames to be in transit at once, improving bandwidth consumption.
  • Reduced overhead: Less acknowledgments are sent, which lowers the overhead connected with acknowledgment packets.


  • Complex receiver: It can be difficult to implement the receiver's need to buffer numerous out-of-order frames.
  • Increased latency: Since all succeeding frames are deleted in the event of faults, there may be a large delay in recovering missing frames.

3. Selective Repeat ARQ

Another sophisticated ARQ protocol is called selective repeat ARQ, which outperforms Go-Back-N by enabling the receiver to independently recognize correctly received frames. In the event of an error, only the broken frame is sent again rather than all subsequent frames. Out-of-order frames are kept in the receiver's buffer until they are delivered to the top layers in sequence.


  • Effective use of bandwidth: Selective Repeat ARQ minimizes the need for unneeded retransmissions of error-free frames.
  • Lower latency: Error recovery occurs more quickly since only the corrupted, or lost frame is retransmitted.


  • Implementation challenges: Selective Repeat ARQ calls for more complex buffering and tracking systems at the sender and receiver.
  • Increased overhead: The control packet cost is increased by the individual acknowledgments for each frame.

4. Hybrid ARQ:

Forward error correction (FEC) is used with the ARQ concepts in hybrid ARQ. In this method, the transmitter not only delivers duplicate information that the receiver can utilize to fix mistakes without repeating transmissions but also retransmits lost or corrupted frames. The receiver can use the redundant data to fix problems when they happen.


  • Improved reliability: Hybrid ARQ can offer reliable error correction, which reduces the frequency of retransmissions.
  • Increased effectiveness: Lowering the amount of retransmissions may be more effective in high-error conditions.


  • Added complexity: ARQ and FEC implementation might be challenging and need more computer power.
  • Variable latency: Error correction or retransmission will affect how long it takes for errors to be corrected.

In computer networks, reliable data transmission is crucial to ensure that information is delivered accurately and without errors. To achieve this, various error control mechanisms are employed, including Automatic Repeat request (ARQ). ARQ is a set of protocols and techniques used to detect and correct errors in data transmission. This essay provides a detailed explanation of the types of ARQ in computer networks, shedding light on their mechanisms, advantages, and disadvantages.

Automatic Repeat request (ARQ) is a vital component of error control mechanisms in computer networks. Stop-and-wait, Go-Back-N, Selective Repeat, and Hybrid ARQ are the significant types of ARQ protocols, each with advantages and disadvantages. The choice of ARQ protocol depends on factors such as network conditions, error rates, and performance requirements. By understanding the characteristics of these ARQ protocols, network engineers can design and optimize reliable data transmission systems tailored to specific needs.

Types of Operations in ARQ

An essential error-control technique used in computer networks to guarantee trustworthy data transfer is Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ). ARQ works by identifying transmission problems and demanding that incorrect or lost packets be retransmitted. The inner workings of ARQ in computer networks are examined in this essay, along with its modes of operation and benefits for preserving data integrity.

ARQ Fundamentals

The foundation of ARQ is the idea of recognizing the receipt of data packets and asking for retransmission of them when mistakes are found. The sender (transmitter) and the receiver are the two essential parts of this operation.

Sender: Data is divided into packets by the sender, which then transmits these to the recipient with sequence numbers attached for packet identification.

In order to keep track of acknowledgments, it keeps a copy of all sent packets and a timer for every packet.

The timer for each packet is started by the sender when it is sent.

Receiver: As soon as the packets are received, the receiver examines them for defects using methods like checksums and cyclic redundancy checks (CRC).

When a packet is successfully received and has no errors, it sends an acknowledgment (ACK) back to the sender.

The receiver discards the packet and sends a negative acknowledgment (NAK) or a special request for retransmission if a packet is determined to be incorrect or missing.

1. Sequencing and packetization:

  • Sender: For transmission, the sender breaks the data into smaller packets. To enable correct ordering at the receiver's end, each packet is given a distinct sequence number.
  • Receiver: The receiver monitors the sequence numbers of these packets while it watches for their arrival.

2. Transmission of packets:

  • Sender: The sender begins sending the packets to the recipient one at a time. The sequence number is included in each packet.
  • Receiver: The receiver is always keeping an eye out for new packets.

3. Detection of errors

  • Receiver: The receiver runs error detection tests after taking in a packet. Common methods include parity bits, cyclic redundancy checks (CRC), and checksums.

The receiver starts processing the packet if it was received without any problems.

4. Positive and Negative Acknowledgment (ACK and NAK):

  • Receiver: The receiver delivers an acknowledgment (ACK) to the sender after successfully checking the accuracy of a packet. The sequence number of the received packet is contained in the ACK.

The receiver sends a negative acknowledgment (NAK) or a specific request for retransmission if a packet is identified as incorrect or missing.

5. Retransmission and Timeout:

  • Sender: The sender starts a timer for a particular packet after it has been transmitted. Suppose an ACK is obtained before the timer expires, the sender moves on to the subsequent packet.

The sender considers the packet was lost or corrupted during transmission if neither an ACK nor a NAK is received within the timeout window. The packet is then sent again.

6. Duplicate packet handling:

  • Receiver: The receiver must recognize duplicate packets based on their sequence numbers since network delays might lead to packet duplication.

7. Adjusting Timeout Values:

  • Sender: Network delays and congestion are normally taken into account when setting timeout values. To improve performance, more advanced ARQ methods may use adaptive algorithms to dynamically change these timeout values.

8. Congestion avoidance and flow control:

In order to avoid congestion, ARQ techniques may have characteristics that regulate the rate of packet transmission. This entails keeping an eye on the state of the network and adjusting the rate of packet delivery as necessary.

9. Managing sequence numbers:

  • Sender and Receiver: To make sure that packets are processed in the proper order, both the sender and the receiver maintain track of sequence numbers. This is crucial in ARQ modes like Selective Repeat that support out-of-order packet delivery.

10. Data transmission is finished:

  • Sender and recipient: The sender keeps sending packets until the recipient acknowledges receiving all of the data successfully. In order to reconstruct the original data, the receiver waits for all packets to arrive in the right order.

11. Closure of Communication:

  • Sender and Receiver: Both parties may indicate that communication has ended and cut off the connection once all data has been successfully sent and acknowledged.

In order to assure dependable data transfer, ARQ operations in computer networks entail a number of phases. For effective and reliable communication, these processes include packetization, error detection, acknowledgment, retransmission, sequence number management, and adaptive methods. Network systems can retain data integrity even in the presence of network failures and disturbances by utilizing ARQ.

Advantages of ARQ

A communication technique called Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ) is used in computer networks to guarantee the accurate and error-free delivery of data. ARQ mechanisms function by identifying transmission problems and demanding that the offending packets be retransmitted. The following are some benefits of employing ARQ in computer networks:

1. Data Transmission Reliability:

ARQ makes ensuring that data is accurately and reliably sent throughout the network. The likelihood of data corruption is decreased by ARQ techniques, which cause retransmissions until the data is received correctly.

2. Error Detection:

To locate corrupted or lost data packets, ARQ protocols use a variety of error detection techniques, such as checksums or cyclic redundancy checks (CRC). This aids in real-time problem detection and retransmission request.

3. Effective Use of Network Resources:

By focusing exclusively on the precise packets that are damaged or lost, ARQ reduces needless retransmissions. Better network resource use and less bandwidth waste are the results of this efficiency.

4. Adaptability to Network situations:

ARQ is able to change its behaviour in response to dynamic network situations like signal quality changes or congestion. ARQ can preserve a constant level of service quality by requesting retransmissions as necessary.

5. Ordered Delivery:

Data packets are delivered in a specific order thanks to ARQ. Due to network delays or congestion, packets may arrive out of order, but ARQ will reorder them before sending them to the higher tiers of the protocol stack.

6. Reduced Latency:

Retransmissions cause some delay, but total latency is minimized with ARQ compared to alternative techniques like Forward Error Correction (FEC). FEC adds redundant data to repair errors without asking for retransmissions, however because extra processing is required, there may be an increase in delay.

7. Simplicity:

Compared to more complex error correction mechanisms, ARQ is conceptually simpler to create and administer. Many network applications may favour it because of its simplicity.

8. Scalability:

ARQ scales well across a range of network designs, from tiny local networks to massive internet communication. It doesn't rely on sophisticated routing techniques or network topologies.

9. Compatibility:

ARQ is adaptable and compatible with a variety of network gear since it can operate with different data link layer protocols and be implemented in hardware or software.

10. Resilience:

ARQ is capable of recovering from brief interruptions or network congestion that may cause transient network faults. ARQ contributes to the integrity of data transmission by requesting retransmissions.

11. Real-time Applications:

Maintaining low latency and guaranteeing data accuracy are crucial in real-time applications like audio and video conversations, ARQ is appropriate.

12. Debugging and Monitoring:

Because ARQ protocols can identify the precise packets that are generating errors, they make it simpler to identify and fix network problems.

In conclusion, Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ) is an essential and efficient method used in computer networks to guarantee accurate and error-free data delivery. It is an essential tool for preserving the integrity of data transfer in many network situations because of its versatility, effectiveness, and compatibility.

Disadvantages of ARQ

Despite being a useful method for ensuring dependable data transfer in computer networks, Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ) has significant drawbacks and restrictions. The disadvantages of employing ARQ in computer networks are listed below:

1. Increased Latency:

ARQ causes a delay in the delivery of data. Online gaming or voice/video calls, which need low latency, might be impacted by real-time apps and services due to the receiver's need to request retransmission when mistakes occur.

2. Bandwidth Overhead:

ARQ necessitates packet resend, using up network bandwidth. This overhead can be large and lower overall network efficiency in situations with high mistake rates or frequent retransmissions.

3. Limited Suitability for High Error Rates:

ARQ can lose effectiveness when the error rate is unusually high or the network conditions are extremely bad. Retransmission requests pile up on the network during a "retransmission storm," which worsens the issue. Constant retransmissions may cause this.

4. Complexity for Real-time Streaming:

For real-time streaming applications like live video or IPTV, ARQ might be challenging to implement successfully. Retransmissions may cause buffering and quality degradation by interfering with the real-time flow of data.

5. Don't Automatically Correct Errors:

ARQ detects errors and asks for retransmissions; it does not automatically fix faults. This means that if a packet is repeatedly received with mistakes, it will continue to seek retransmissions even though error correction is not guaranteed. ARQ may struggle to deal with this. Due to network faults, duplicate packets may occasionally be sent, and since ARQ might not have the tools to tell the difference between the original and duplicate packets, this could lead to problems at the receiving end.

6. Limited Suitability for High Error Rates:

ARQ can lose effectiveness when the error rate is unusually high or the network conditions are extremely bad. Retransmission requests pile up on the network during a "retransmission storm," which worsens the issue. Constant retransmissions may cause this.

7. Complexity for Real-time Streaming:

For real-time streaming applications like live video or IPTV, ARQ might be challenging to implement successfully. Retransmissions may cause buffering and quality degradation by interfering with the real-time flow of data.

8. Don't Automatically Correct Errors:

ARQ detects errors and asks for retransmissions; it does not automatically fix faults. This means that if a packet is repeatedly received with mistakes, it will continue to seek retransmissions even though error correction is not guaranteed.

9. No Forward Error Correction:

Retransmissions are the only method used by ARQ to restore lost or faulty data. Forward error correction (FEC), which can repair errors without requiring retransmissions, is not used. FEC may be a better option when there are significant delays or unstable links.

10. Limited Multicast and Broadcast Support:

ARQ was created primarily for point-to-point communication. It can be challenging to extend it to multicast or broadcast settings since retransmissions for numerous recipients can cause scalability and efficiency problems.

11. Dependence on Network Round-Trip Time (RTT):

The RTT of this work can have a significant impact on how successful ARQ is. For applications that are sensitive to latency, larger RTTs might lead to longer waits for error recovery.

12. Duplicate packet handling:

ARQ may need help dealing with this. Due to network faults, duplicate packets may occasionally be sent, and since ARQ might not have the tools to tell the difference between the original and duplicate packets, this could lead to problems at the receiving end.

13. Limited Security:

ARQ doesn't come with any built-in security measures. Instead than addressing security issues like data encryption, authentication, or defense against malicious attacks, it concentrates on error detection and rectification.

14. Inefficiency in High-Delay Networks:

ARQ may not be efficient in networks with high propagation delays (such as satellite links) since it takes a long time to find faults and request retransmissions in comparison to the time it takes to transport data.

While ARQ is a useful method for assuring data integrity in computer networks, it has a number of drawbacks and restrictions, especially in situations where real-time streaming, high error rates, or low latency are crucial. When deciding whether to adopt ARQ in a certain network context, network designers frequently need to carefully analyze these disadvantages and balance them against the advantages.

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