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PrimeFaces Signature

It is used to draw a signature as an input. It provides a canvas where we can draw signature. It provides various options such as background color, foreground color, thickness for customization. It can be used in touch enabled devices. In JSF application, we can create it by using the <p:signature> component. It also provides various attributes that are tabled below.

Signature Attributes

Attribute Default value Type Description
id null String It is used to unique identifier of the component.
rendered true Boolean It is used to specify the rendering of the component.
value null Object It is used to set value of the component.
required false Boolean It is used to mark the component as required.
validator null MethodExpr It is used to set validator.
requiredMessage null String It is used to set message to be displayed when required field validation fails.
widgetVar null String It is a name of the client side widget.
backgroundColor #ffffff String It is used to set background color.
color #000000 String It is used to set foreground color.
thickness 2 Integer It is used to set thickness of the lines.
style null String It is used to set inline CSS of the component.
readonly false Boolean It is used to make component readonly.
guideline false Boolean It is used to set a guildeline.
guidelineColor #a0a0a0 String It is used to set color of the guideline.
guidelineOffset 25 String It is used to set offset of guideline from bottom.
guidelineIndent 10 Boolean It is used to set guide line indent from the edges.
onchange null String It is used to execute script when signature changed.
base65Value null String Write-only value used to pass the value in base64 to backing bean.


Here, in the following example, we are implementing <p:signature> component. This example contains the following files.

JSF File

// signature.xhtml




PrimeFaces Signature 1
PrimeFaces Signature 2
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