The IFSC code of RAJKOT NAGRIK SAHAKARI BANK LIMITED is an 11 character alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies the bank branch that is used in Electronic Funds Settlement Systems: RTGS or NEFT. The last 6 character of RAJKOT NAGRIK SAHAKARI BANK LIMITED IFSC code is branch code.
RAJKOT NAGRIK SAHAKARI BANK LIMITED has 1 branches in India and each branch has different IFSC code. The RAJKOT NAGRIK SAHAKARI BANK LIMITED branches are located in 1 state of India. The IFSC code of RAJKOT NAGRIK SAHAKARI BANK LIMITED is assigned by Reserve Bank of India (RBI).
IFSC (Indian Financial System Code) is an 11-digit alphanumeric code that has a number of uses in banking sector. It is an identification code related to a specific bank branch. All type of payment process i.e., RTGS, NEFT, and IMPS need an IFSC code to complete the fund transfer.
Bank Name | IFSC Code |
Kotak Mahindra Bank | KKBK0000172 |
Canara Bank | CNRB0000791 |
IFSC | Branch | Bank | District |
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