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Tourist Places in Dharan, Nepal

Nestled in the eastern foothills of Nepal, Dharan is a mesmerizing destination that skillfully combines the splendors of nature, cultural history, and contemporary vibrancy.

This charming city is well known for its extensive selection of tourist attractions, which may satisfy the interests of any visitor. For those looking for a true taste of Nepal, Dharan provides a unique experience with its verdant landscapes and historical sites.

Outdoor enthusiasts and hikers will find the breathtaking surroundings of the city, accentuated by the towering peak of Mount Kanchenjunga, to be a beautiful backdrop.

Ethnic variety is woven throughout the rich cultural tapestry of Dharan, which is evident in its celebrations, cuisine, and architecture.

The Pindeshwor Temple, which draws pilgrims and history fans, is a monument to the city's spiritual importance. The active street life, lively local markets, and buzzing bazaars provide a window into the everyday routines of the inhabitants.

Dharan promises an alluring fusion of history and modernity that will create an everlasting impression on every visitor, whether wandering through its picturesque parks, discovering its historical landmarks, or immersing oneself in its cultural events.

Dharan's appeal is increased because it is a starting point for seeing eastern Nepal's natural beauties. A refuge for explorers, the adjacent hills and woodlands offer hiking trails that wind through beautiful landscapes, uncovering secret waterfalls and expansive vistas. The ideal times to experience the city's cultural diversity are during holidays like Dasain and Tihar. In celebration of the area's distinctive heritage, lively processions, traditional music, and dances fill the streets.

Here is the list of top tourist places:

1. Buddha Subba Temple

Budha Subba Temple is a well-known holy site for the people of eastern Nepal. It is located in the Nepalese city of Bijayapur. It is thought to grant wishes and provide luck to those who visit there. Iman Singh Chemjong, a historian, claims that Bijayapur was the epicenter of King Bijayanarayan's former Kirant Kingdom. Others claim that Sen King Bijaya was the inspiration for the name Bijayapur. According to many people, this one is one of the most unusual temples in the world.

There are no idols where there is a temple. Along with this, pigs and wine are presented to the shrine. The untapped bamboo can be found in the former Seuti river basin, close to the Dantakali temple. The lack of bamboo tips results from Budha Subba breaking the bamboo tips off.

Tourist Places in Dharan, Nepal

Budhasubba and his sister Subbini liked to pretend to go hunting with clay pellets, and a pellet bow up on the mountain. One day, as they aimed to strike the crow, Budhasubba's clay pellet snapped the bamboo tip. Since that time, the bamboo's tip has yet to grow. As a result, Budha Subba gave up hunting and buried his pellet bow.

Then, he went to where the temple was situated and meditated. The shrine of his sister Subbini is also close by. History claims that it is the resting place of Pallo Kirat, the last Limbu King of Limbuwan, who was assassinated in 1773 by the assassins of Nepal's King Prithvi Narayan Shah after being duped into traveling to Bijaypur-Dharan for a negotiation.

Buddhi Karna Khebang is thought to have left behind a pleasant and helpful spirit who is claimed to have walked around the vicinity of his tomb near Bijaypur.

The local Limbu population then started worshiping the spirit as an ancient monarch, believing it would bring them luck. Writing on bamboo trees near the shrine was once a custom. The only way for the young men who visited the temple to leave was to write their names on bamboo since it is believed that doing so would prove their love for one another. However, the temple committee prohibited writing names on bamboo because the rise in bamboo writings impeded the tree's growth.

After admiring Budha Subba, lovers today attach holy threads to bamboo.

2. Namaste Waterfalls

A well-known tourist destination in Nepal called Namaste Falls is situated in the village of Bhedetar.

The 80-meter-high waterfall is well renowned for the "namaste" it creates as it tumbles down the steep hillside. The region is uninhabited because it is quite remote.

While this could result in a minor delay in acquiring items, it makes up for it by providing breathtaking vistas of the surroundings.

Tourist Places in Dharan, Nepal

The plunging waterfall is known as Namaste Falls. The area is renowned for having seen the most rainbows. Trekking is required from Bhedetar for about two kilometers to get to Namaste Falls. As a result, traveling to the attraction can result in a wonderful family day trip.

3. Namche Bazaar

Namche Bazaar belongs on this list even though it shouldn't have because of its immense natural beauty and significance. The Namche Bazaar, at a height of 11,482 feet, is cool. From this region, many individuals begin their ascent of Mount Everest. Visit Namche Bazaar in Dharan since you will witness one of the most distinctive markets there.

Tourist Places in Dharan, Nepal

This location was made primarily to accommodate hikers and mountain climbers. Only hiking gear had previously been discovered there. Now, the market's various stores offer various Tibetan and Nepali goods. Remember to purchase various handcrafted goods while you're there, such as butter, yak cheese, traditional Nepalese handicrafts, and more.

Apart from the stores, Namche is attractive for its natural surroundings. Anywhere in the valley, you can see the magnificent Himalayan peaks. You will forget your worries as you look at the surrounding snow-capped mountains.

4. Pindeshwor Temple

One of the most popular destinations in the city is the Pindeshwor temple, which is situated directly in the center of Dharan. This temple, devoted to Lord Shiva, is illuminated during Maha Shivratri. Devotees travel there to worship the deity and pay respects from various locations in India and Nepal. Try traveling to Dharan in July to see the Mahashivratri festivities at the Pindeshwor temple.

Tourist Places in Dharan, Nepal

Many Hindu pilgrims visit the site barefoot to preserve the ceremonies' authenticity. Carrying water from the holy Koshi river is one of the most popular ways to honor the Shiva Linga in the Pindeshwor temple. Pilgrims must go a considerable foot distance to the Saptakoshi or Koshi River because it is close to the Barahachetra shrine.

The perpetual burning of the temple's light is one of its distinctive features. The lamp is maintained glowing at any cost. Even though the Pindeshwor temple lacks impressive architectural features and a vibrant cultural past, going there can help you feel more connected to Nepal's native population.

5. Dharan Clock Tower

In Bhanu Chowk in Dharan, Nepal, there is a clock tower named Dharan. NPR 5,639,000 was spent on the Tower's construction as part of the city's twenty-year plan.

Financial support was gathered through The Dharan Hong Kong Manch, a forum for Nepalese immigrants from Hong Kong and Macao. The Tower was erected by the neighborhood construction firm Amrit Nirman Sewa (Pvt.) Ltd.

Tourist Places in Dharan, Nepal

Public access to the Tower was granted in 2062 BS. The Tower was modeled after the clock tower in Hong Kong. Having five floors, it is 76.5 feet tall. There is a platform for viewing up top. A little over 50 persons can observe the city from the platform surrounding the Tower.

In addition, a memorial for the victims of the 1988 Nepal earthquake has been built on the Tower's outskirts.

6. Dantakali Temple

In Bijaypur, the Dantakali, or tooth goddess temple, is surrounded by lovely hills. It has immense religious importance and is one of Nepal's main Shakti Peeths. With lush hills and a sweeping view of Terai and Dharan bazaar, the land around the temple is also incredibly beautiful. The temple was constructed by villagers after 1978 AD and has three roofs made of cement and brick and a metal pinnacle on top.

Tourist Places in Dharan, Nepal

The object of worship is kept inside the temple and is a silver-plated rock claimed to be Sati Devi's teeth. Hindus know this sacred shrine as the location where Satidevi, Lord Shiva's wife, lost her teeth.

According to Hindu folklore, Lord Shiva traveled to many locations while carrying Satidevi's body. Teeth dropped in the area where the temple is located as he continued to travel.

During the festival of Dashain, the temple counts the greatest number of devotees during Navaratri (the nine nights). He-goats are also sacrificed in large numbers on the temple grounds during Maha Asthami.

7. Sunkoshi

At 5646 meters, the Tibetan peak is the source of Sunkoshi, often known as the "river of gold". Along with being significant in the Koshi Basin, it is also a transboundary river.

An upper mountainous stream from Tatopani to Dolalghat and a lower-middle hill course from Dolalghat to Tribeni Dovan separate this river into two distinct branches. As the seven (sapta) rivers converge in east-central Nepal, they form the Saptakoshi River, which includes Sunkoshi.

Tourist Places in Dharan, Nepal

The six other rivers are the Indravati, Tamba Koshi, Bhote Koshi, Dudh Koshi, Arun, and Tamor Rivers.

In addition to contributing to the tourism industry and being involved in numerous government-run economic initiatives, Sunkoshi, which makes up 44% of the water that makes up Saptakoshi, is also a benefit to the nation. The river Sunkoshi is also a well-liked traveler attraction. Numerous tourism agencies offer itineraries for fishing in the Sunkoshi River and rafting in the area.

Camping by the river is another option for those seeking more excitement. The Dolalghat is where most rafting groups set off from.

The ideal pastime for those seeking excitement and those who enjoy the outdoors is days of rafting with powerful rapids and floating through the verdant landscape. River fishing, which is equally enjoyable as rafting with fishing, singing, and dancing around campfires, is an option for travelers who wish to stay safe.

8. Bhedetar

Visitors and tourists must take advantage of this because it is one of Nepal's most picturesque locations. The Hilly region's residents once viewed Bhedetar as the "Gateway" to Dharan. This is the Eastern Region's geographic center and the ideal tourist location. According to legend, the visitors themselves gave the place the name Bhedetar.

They named the area Bhedetar because there were numerous sheep there, or Bheda. The view of the surrounding hills, valleys, and forests from the settlement is stunning.

It is well known for its unpredictable weather; one second, it is hidden by a thick fog, and the next, it is revealed as the crown of urban Dharan.

A tower that has been constructed and is frequently referred to as "Charles Tower" offers views of the lovely Dharan, lush surroundings, and a few enigmatically beautiful hills.

Tourist Places in Dharan, Nepal

The local committee built the Tower after Prince Charles of Britain stopped to look at it. People come to Bhedetar to escape the summer heat because it is a place that is cool all year.

The Dharan Sub-metropolis, which has good road and aviation connections, may be readily reached from Bhedetar. Rentable private vehicles, taxis, and buses are available from Dharan to Bhedetar.

9. Gurkha Memorial Park

To educate the younger generation about the history of their ancestors, the lahures in the east established this park. It occupies 12 bigaha of land and is situated in Bishnupaduka, Dharan.

A Gurkha soldier statue honors soldiers who fought for the British in the park.

Tourist Places in Dharan, Nepal

Additionally, the park offers a helipad and a few homestays for guests. The park's construction cost Rs. 35 million in total. The park is still being developed, and new features are always added, such as a paragliding service, a botanical garden, a kids' park, and Dharan View Tower.

10. Chinde Dada

One of Daharan's most stunning regions, Chinde Dada, is quite well known to adventure seekers. You may hike to this location, which is only 5 km from Dharan's Bhanuchowk neighborhood.

The natural beauty of this place is one of the key factors contributing to its popularity. Your chance to experience Dharan from Chinde Dada's vantage point is unmatched.

Tourist Places in Dharan, Nepal

Not only is the location breathtakingly lovely, but also the path that leads there. It is one of the few places in Dharan where paragliding is allowed. Try paragliding if it's something you've always wanted to do while touring Dharan. Chinde Dada is a great place to see Dharan's mesmerizingly stunning sunrises and sunsets.

11. Shiv Jatta

As a result of its incapacity to develop religious tourism, Shivajatta in Dharan-4, which has a religious past, is overshadowed. The failure of Shiva Jatta to grow into a popular religious tourist destination has cast a shadow over its status as the site of Shiva Kunda, where Shiva lived.

A possible tourist attraction is Shivajatta, approximately 5 kilometers northeast of Dharan Bazaar. It has been overshadowed by the failure to create religious tourism and natural tourism destinations since it has yet to be able to grow and spread as a religious tourism location.

The Hindu deity Shiva was said to be carrying the body of Goddess Sati while he walked around, according to holy texts. Shivajatta, according to the villagers, got its name after Shiva's jatta slipped while taking a bath. The Ward No. 4 in the Dharan Sub-metropolis neighborhood of Shivajatta always has a waterfall. A pagoda can be found close by as well.

Tourist Places in Dharan, Nepal

It is said that the sickness will be cured in July by bathing in this waterfall, which is 5 kilometers northeast of Dharan. The unpaved road has yet to extend to Shivajatta, even though it does.

You'll need to do some walking. Shivajatta is a location that has yet to get the attention it deserves despite having a lot of potential as a tourist destination. Until a few years ago, on the day of Shivaratri, Indian yogis would travel here and stay for three months while incense was burned.

But lately, fewer yogis have been showing up. For domestic and foreign travelers seeking to escape the summer heat, Shivajatta may be developed as a holy tourist attraction, an alluring destination.

Since it features a pagoda, a water feature, and a jungle region, religious travelers claim that the Shivajatta area?where the tale of Lord Shiva's Jatta falls?is also a popular tourist destination. There is a waterfall in Shivajatta at Dharan Sub-metropolis No. 21.

A pagoda is nearby. In July, it is said that bathing in this waterfall, which is 5 km northeast of Dharan, will heal the illness. A pagoda can be found close to the waterfall. The road is unpaved, but it hasn't extended to Shivajatta. It would be best if you did a brief walk.


In conclusion, Dharan is a mesmerizing location that skillfully combines the best of the outdoors, history, and contemporary conveniences. This city offers a unique experience for every traveler, from the tranquil beauty of the Himalayan foothills to the lively tapestry of local festivals and traditions.

Visitors can experience a rare fusion of religion and business at places like the Pindeshwor Temple, the Dantakali Temple, and the humming neighborhood bazaars. The friendly residents and genuine hospitality of the city enhance Dharan's charm. Whatever your travel preferences?adventure, cultural immersion, or relaxation?Dharan guarantees a voyage full of memorable experiences.

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