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RichFaces <rich:message>

This component is used to render a message. We can customize apppearance of this message. The tool-tip attrubute is used to provide further information about the message.

This component is same as the JSF <h:message> with some additional attributes.

Style classes and skin parameters

Class (selector) Class (selector) Function Skin Parameters Mapped CSS properties
.rf-msg It is used to define styles for the message itself. generalFamilyFont generalSizeFont font-family font-size
.rf-msg-err It is used to define styles for an error message. errorColor color
.rf-msg-ftl It is used to define styles for a fatal message. errorColor color
.rf-msg-inf It is used to define styles for an information message. generalTextColor color
.rf-msg-wrn It is used to define styles for a warning message. warningTextColor color
.rf-msg-ok It is used to define styles for a basic OK message. generalTextColor color
.rf-msg-sum, .rf-msg-det These classes define styles for the summary or details of a message. No skin parameters.


Here, in the following example, we are implementing <rich:message> component. This example contains the following files.

JSF File

// rich-message.xhtml

Managed Bean



RichFaces Message 1

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