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Best way to Develop Desktop Applications using Python


Python is a versatile, high-level programming language widely used for many applications, including desktop applications. Its simplicity, ease of use, and a vast array of libraries and frameworks make it an attractive option for developing desktop applications. However, with so many options available, it can be challenging to determine the best approach for developing a desktop application using Python. This article will discuss the best practices and tools for developing desktop applications using Python.

Choosing a GUI Framework

The first step in developing a desktop application using Python is to choose a GUI (Graphical User Interface) framework. A GUI framework provides the necessary building blocks to create a graphical user interface, such as windows, buttons, and text boxes. Some popular GUI frameworks for Python include Tkinter, PyQt, and wxPython.

Tkinter is the default GUI framework for Python and is included with most Python installations. It is simple and easy to use, making it a great choice for small projects or learning the basics of GUI development. However, it may not be suitable for more complex projects as it does not have as many advanced features as other GUI frameworks.

PyQt is a popular GUI framework for Python that provides a comprehensive set of features for building complex desktop applications. It is built on top of the Qt GUI toolkit, which provides a wide range of tools and features for developing graphical applications. PyQt is a powerful framework, but it can be challenging to learn, especially if you are new to GUI development.

wxPython is another popular GUI framework for Python that provides a range of features for developing desktop applications. It is based on the wxWidgets toolkit and provides cross-platform compatibility, which means that you can write an application once and run it on multiple operating systems. wxPython is a good choice for projects that need to run on multiple platforms and provides many advanced features for GUI development.

Choosing a Build System

Once you have chosen a GUI framework, the next step is to choose a build system. A build system is a tool that automates the process of building, testing and deploying your application. Some popular build systems for Python include pip, setup tools, and PyInstaller.

Pip is the default package manager for Python and is used to install and manage packages and dependencies. It is a simple and easy-to-use tool that is well-suited for small projects. However, it may not be the best choice for larger projects, as managing dependencies and keeping track of what is installed can become difficult.

Setup tools is a more advanced build system for Python that provides a range of tools for building, testing, and deploying applications. It provides a lot of flexibility and is well-suited for larger projects, allowing you to manage dependencies and automate the deployment process.

PyInstaller is a tool that can package your Python application into a standalone executable that can be run on any system with the required dependencies. This makes it easy to distribute your application and eliminates the need for users to install Python or any other dependencies. PyInstaller is a good choice for projects that must be distributed as a standalone executable.

Using a Package Manager

Using a package manager is another important step in developing a desktop application using Python. A package manager is a tool that automates installing, updating, and managing packages and dependencies. Some popular package managers for Python include pip, conda, and virtualenv.

Pip is the default package manager for Python and is used to install and manage packages and dependencies. It is a simple and easy-to-use tool that is well-suited for small projects but can become complex when managing dependencies for larger projects.

Conda is a package manager widely used for scientific computing and data analysis. It provides a range of tools for managing dependencies, packages, and virtual environments, making it an excellent choice for large projects requiring many dependencies.

virtualenv is a tool that allows you to create isolated Python environments, which can be useful for managing dependencies and preventing conflicts between packages. This is particularly useful for projects that require multiple versions of the same package or for testing different configurations.

Testing and Debugging

Testing and debugging are essential steps in developing a desktop application using Python. It is essential to test your application thoroughly before releasing it to the public to ensure that it works as expected and is free of bugs. Some popular testing frameworks for Python include unit test, pytest, and nose.

Unit test is the default testing framework for Python and is included with most Python installations. It provides various tools for writing and running tests, making it a good choice for simple projects.

pytest is a more advanced testing framework for Python that provides a range of features for writing and running tests, including fixtures, plugins, and parameterized tests. It is a powerful testing framework for large projects and complex testing requirements.

The nose is another popular testing framework for Python that provides a range of features for writing and running tests, including test discovery, test generators, and test fixtures. It is a flexible testing framework used for simple projects or more complex testing requirements.

Debugging is an important step in the development process and can help you to identify and fix bugs in your application. Some popular debugging tools for Python include pdb, ipdb, and PyCharm debugger.

pdb is the default debugger for Python and provides a simple command-line interface for debugging your code. It is a basic debugger well suited for simple projects or learning the basics of debugging. Ipdb is an advanced debugger for Python that provides a range of features for debugging your code, including breakpoints, step-by-step execution, and interactive debugging. It is a powerful debugger well-suited for complex projects and large codebases.

PyCharm debugger is a graphical debugger included with the PyCharm IDE (Integrated Development Environment). It provides a range of features for debugging your code, including breakpoints, step-by-step execution, and interactive debugging. It is a convenient and user-friendly debugger for large projects and complex codebases.


Developing a desktop application using Python is a straightforward process, thanks to the wide range of tools and frameworks available. Choosing the right GUI framework, build system, package manager, testing framework, and debugger are important steps in the development process and will ensure that your application is robust, reliable, and free of bugs. Whether developing a small project or a large application, Python provides the tools and features you need to create a high-quality desktop application.

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