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Introduction to MoviePy in Python

MoviePy is a Python library. It is used for basic operations of video editing. It is used to perform cuts, concatenations, and title insertions. Along with this, moviepy is also used to perform non-linear editing, also known as video composition and video processing, and to create advanced effects. MoviePy is designed to read all the video formats, including gifs.

Installation of MoviePy

To install Moviepy, you need to have Python installed on your system. If Python is installed on your system, then Moviepy can be easily installed using the pip install command in the terminal. Here is the command to install moviepy using pip:

There is another way to install moviepy on your system. Here, you have to download the sources from PyPI or Gituhb, unzip all the downloads into a single folder, and give this command in the terminal:

ImageMagick Installation

Some useful dependencies can be useful when working with moviepy. ImageMagick is one of them. It is useful for many tasks like creating Gifs and adding text to videos. Follow the given link to download ImageMagick on your system:

On platforms other than Windows, ImageMagick will be successfully detected by moviepy. You need to configure the path on Windows to make Moviepy detect ImageMagick. Need to edit moviepy/ to provide the path to the ImageMagick binary. moviepy/ should look like this:

Demonstration of MoviePy with Sample Codes

Let us see certain examples to explore the movie and its features. First, we will take sample video(s), perform certain operations, and change the sample video(s).

Example 1: Video Concatenation

In this example, we will concatenate two videos to form a single video.


Example 2: Video Trimming

Here, we will learn to trim a video to form a short form of the original video.


Example 3: Adding Text Overlay

In this example, we will add text overlay in a video.


Example 4: Applying Video Effects

Here, we will see the code to add special effects to our video/


Example 5: Video Speed Adjustment

In this example, we will learn to adjust the video speed.


Example 5: Video Transitions

Here, we will write the code to make video transitions using moviepy in Python.


Example 6: Applying Imagemagick Filters

Using ImageMagick with MoviePy gives us a variety of options to perform on the videos to be edited. Applying filters to the videos is such a scenario. Let us see the code to do this.


Example 6: Adding Watermark with ImageMagick

ImageMagick also provides us with an option to add a watermark on the video.



In conclusion, MoviePy is a robust Python library that is very useful in handily editing videos. It provides us with various options to edit the video by trimming, concatenating, applying special effects, and inserting a title. We have seen the complete introduction of MoviePy in this tutorial. We have discussed its installation and demonstrated its various use cases. There are several dependencies with MoviePy. We have discussed such a dependency on ImageMagick. ImageMagick allows the user to perform various advanced-level editing to a video.

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