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Packages of Data Visualization in Python

When working with many data sets, it might be challenging to completely understand what customers see in a tabular style. To make our data more systematic, comprehend what it means, and choose suitable models, we must visualize or represent it visually. As a result, we may see dynamics, trends, and correlations that are not visible in charts or CSV files.

Visualisation of Data

The field of data analysis that focuses on visualizing data is called data visualization. It is an effective method of communicating data insights and presents data graphically.

When data is presented in images, maps, and graphs, the human brain processes it quickly and easily. We can always receive a visual depiction of our data by applying data visualization. Both large and small data sets benefit from data visualization. However, it is beneficial when working with enormous data sets when it is impossible to see, interpret, and comprehend all of our records.

Python Data Visualisation

Data visualization in Python is perhaps one of the most often utilized features for data science with Python in today's environment. Python packages provide several capabilities that let users design elegant, interactive graphs that are highly customized.

Python comes with several plotting libraries, including Matplotlib, Seaborn, and other tools for data visualization. Each has a unique combination of tools for creating customized, engaging stories that are educational and effectively convey information.

Python offers several libraries for data visualization, each with their capabilities. This tutorial will cover four of these libraries. Each library may support various graph types and has a unique set of functions.

  • Matplotlib
  • Seaborn
  • Bokeh
  • Plotly

We'll go over each of these libraries one after another.

Useful Python Packages for Visualizations


A Python visualization library for 2D array plots is called Matplotlib. The NumPy library is used by the Python library Matplotlib. It is compatible with Jupyter notebooks, web application server software, and the Python and IPython shells. Various plots, including scatter, line, bar, histogram, and others, are available in Matplotlib to help us delve deeper into trends, behavioral patterns, and relationships. It was first introduced by John Hunter in 2002.

Scatter Plot

Using dots to indicate the correlations between variables, scatter plots can be used to visualize relationships. The scatter() method of the matplotlib library is used to produce a scatter plot.



Packages of Data Visualization in Python

Bar Chart

Using rectangular bars with lengths and heights proportional to the data values they represent to depict a category of data, a bar plot or bar chart is simply a graph.



Packages of Data Visualization in Python


A Python module called Seaborn allows users to build statistical visualizations from datasets. It is based on matplotlib and produces many kinds of visualizations. It is based on the data structures of pandas. The library performs the necessary modeling and aggregation internally to provide illuminating graphics.

Line Plot

In Seaborn, a line plot was created using the line plot() method. In this situation, we may alternatively pass merely the data argument.



Packages of Data Visualization in Python


Bokeh is a cutting-edge interactive visualization library for web browsers. With massive or streaming data assets, it can provide exciting charts and dynamic dashboards. Numerous clear graphs in the library can be utilized to develop solutions. It is closely connected to the PyData utilities. The library is excellent for developing unique images based on specific use cases. Interactive visual effects can support a what-if scenario model.

Line Chart

A line plot can also be made using the line() method from the plotting and scheming module.



Packages of Data Visualization in Python

Adding Widgets

  • Bokeh offers buttons, sliders, checkboxes, and other GUI components that resemble those in HTML. Among them is a graph's interactive user interface, which enables us to alter plot parameters, change plot data, etc. Let's examine some of the most popular widgets and how to use and add them.
  • Buttons: This widget adds a standard button item to the plot. A unique JavaScript function must be given to the models class' CustomJS() method.
  • Checkbox Group: The plot now includes a standard checkbox. The custom JavaScript method must be passed to the model's class's CustomJS() method, just like we did with buttons.
  • Radio Group: This element provides a straightforward radio button and enables a customized JavaScript function.

plotly is a high-level, declarative, interactive, browser-based Python visualization library. Visualizations are accessible, including financial charts, statistical plots, 3D charts, and scientific graphics. Plot charts can be created as standalone HTML documents, live web pages, or Jupyter notebooks. The Plotly library has possibilities for interaction and editing. The rich API runs wonderfully both locally and in a web browser.

Scatter Plot

The scatter() function of can be used to create a scatter plot in Plotly. An additional data argument too is necessary here, as it is for Seaborn.



Packages of Data Visualization in Python

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